Stolen Moments

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SURPRISE I UPDATE!! this chapter is pure fluff with lots of angst sprinkled in... ALSO HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY TO MY FAV YELLOW HAIRED NINJA + MY FAVORITE CHARACTER!!!!!!

also... the results are in... akari's choice has been made..



Small streams of light began breaking through the window, spreading across my face. I let out a small groan, my body not wanting to wake up. I had been spending too many nights sleeping on the ground, outside, in the cold. This was different, this bed was soft and warm. Sure it was nothing like my bed back home, but it was still good enough. Except, I couldn't remember falling asleep against the wall. I could have sworn that the bed wasn't up against the wall.

My eyes snapped open and I flipped my head over to see Sasuke staring at me, a very faint smile across his lips. I stared back at him, a few different emotions rushing over me. On one hand I was almost happy to wake up to those eyes again, after all there was a point and time that I woke up to those eyes everyday. On the other hand.... WHY WAS HE SO DAMN CLOSE!

I punched him quickly in the arm, glaring at him for looking so smug.

"Why the hell-"

"Don't flatter yourself, you got closer to me in your sleep, muscle memory I'm sure." Sasuke looked at me with his normal cold look, before pushing himself out of the bed.

"Whatever, we should get back on the road." My face was red and I quickly put myself back together. I scurried around the room and gathered all of my stuff. I pushed pass Sasuke and stepped out into the hall. Walking down to the others room I started pounding on the door to get them up, when the door opened I was greeted to a very cranky looking Suigetsu who seemed to lighten up at the sight of me.

"Oh finally a girl who is actually pretty, and not an annoying hag!" Suigetsu yelled dramatically, dragging me into the room. I let out a small laugh at the sight of Karin glaring at him, and then glaring at me.

"What do you look so smug for, did you enjoy your night with Sasuke?" Karin glared, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes even more at me. Clearly she was hoping that I would let some information slip up about whether or not we did anything.

"We slept, that's all it was." I said in a sharp tone, it was too early for her right now. The door had another brief knock against it, and Karin practically jumped over Suigetsu and I to open it. Sasuke looked at the red haired girl, and then pass her to the rest of us.

"Akari, you and I are splitting up from the rest of them for the day," Sasuke said and three jaws dropped in unison, "We will stay for one extra day, just to gather some extra information, which is what I need Akari for."

I nodded my head slowly, and looked at Suigetsu who was staring at me with an eyebrow raised. I simply shrugged my shoulders and walked towards the doorway to stand next to Sasuke. Karin was practically letting steam out of her ears. Sasuke glared at her and the rest of them.

"You guys stay around here, don't cause any trouble, we will be back by nightfall." Sasuke turned on his heel and began walking ahead of me. I followed close behind tightening my bag over my shoulder.

"So, what are we going to do?" I questioned, as I caught up to walk next to his side.

"Train." Sasuke said briefly, and I just raised an eyebrow at him.

"But you said-"

"I don't need them knowing about our past Akari, and if we are going to face Itachi together I need to know that we are still able to fight well." Sasuke looked at me, and I felt my breath hitch in my throat. Sure he was still a grump, but it was if he was the same grump that he was back then.

"Together?" I sounded a little too shocked and he just nodded his head.


I let out a few huffs as I hunched over, trying to catch my breath. Sasuke's breathing wasn't a little heavy, but definitely not as bad as mine. It's annoying how strong this jerk actually is. I threw myself back on the ground, looking up at the sky that was slowly turning to all different kinds of colors.

"That village does nothing but turn you weak." Sasuke seemed to have a bit of humor behind his antagonizing voice. I rolled my eyes and held up my middle finger at the boy.

"Shut your damn mouth, I'm still learning how to fight without the fox." I groaned and Sasuke walked over to me and held his hand out to me pulling me up to my feet.

"I've noticed, you're good at it too, just slower than what I'm used to I guess." Sasuke's version of a compliment was enough to bring a small blush to my cheeks. He seemed to take notice and poked at my face, "No matter how strong you're getting on your own though, you still get flustered pretty easy."

"Shut up." I swatted at his hand and let out a small laugh, which he sent me a small smile at the sound.

"Akari, I have to ask you something, off topic." Sasuke sighed, looking at me with a familiar glint in his eyes.

"Oh I, Uh okay?" I looked at him curiously.

"After this is over, would you consider coming with me?" Sasuke's eyes searched my face, and I just looked at him.

"Hey, you made a deal you would come back to the village, can't go back on it now." I pointed an accusing finger at him, and he just grabbed my hand.

"Akari, I have no reason for that village if you're not in it, we can go anywhere together and I'll be fine." Sasuke's voice was flat, but his eyes were full of emotions.

"Sasuke, I can't leave them again, I have to go back," I squeezed his hand, "Come back with me, that's where I have to be."

"And if I do? What will you do?" Sasuke's question confused me but then I quickly realized what he was referring to.

"If you're asking about choosing between you and Kiba, you can't just expect me to know that already?" My heart sank, who would I choose? I had a choice to make. This wasn't exactly an easy choice, if I told him that I was leaning more towards Kiba he would run. Except, I wasn't exactly leaning more towards Kiba either though. Standing here looking at Sasuke, the warm lights from the sun setting in the distance reflecting off his face.... The cold look in his eyes gone, replaced with the same soft eyes that seemed to always be reserved for me.

"I think your heart already knows, and it's your head that's stopping you Akari." Sasuke sighed and pulled me into him, holding me closer to his chest. He put his hand up, and wiped up the tears that were on my cheeks.. I hadn't even noticed that I started crying.

"Sasuke, I care about him, I always have." I whispered, looking up at him. Sasuke nodded his head and pushed his lips against my forehead faintly.

"Let's head back, we have to continue pursuing Itachi tomorrow." Sasuke turned away and started walking back towards the inn. I followed close behind him, watching his back.

My head stopping my heart huh? Was I still trying to be angry at Sasuke for everything he did?


A/n wow this chapter was lame, but enjoy the soft SaKari. ❤️

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