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a/n this chapter puts an end to akiba. it was so hard for me to write because I love their storyline and their relationship dynamic... i have had a few people have concern that after she makes her choice the story will end but that is far from the truth. we are just now getting to the fight with Itachi, and their are still a lot of major moments within the show and everything else that I have to touch on.


Before we got any closer to Sasuke, Kiba stopped me for a second. Asking the others for a moment of alone time. Naruto started yelling about how we had no time to waste but Kakashi calmed down my brother. Agreeing to give us five minutes. Akamaru stayed with the others, respecting that the two of us needed to do this on our own. I felt myself growing uncomfortable under Kiba's eyes.

"So you made your decision, I am just assuming I mean you can correct me if I'm wrong, but-"

"Kiba, you have to understand I love you, but not in the way I should love you, not in the way I love him." I mumbled sadly, looking at Kiba expecting him to lash out on me.

"I think I always knew that, I guess I just hoped that you wouldn't choose him, do you really think he is going to change?" Kiba said softly, looking at me for a moment and I just nodded slowly.

"He's confused, but he is in there, the guy I want is in there." Kiba looked down at the ground nodding, his entire demeanor had changed. If he didn't have his pride, and wasn't who he was I am sure he would let his anger and sadness show through.

"Well, then I guess we need to find him, I will do anything for you Akari Uzuamaki even if it means bringing back the guy I want to beat to a pulp." Kiba didn't give me a chance to say anything else, just went back to join the group.

I let a few tears fall out of my eyes. Everything had just changed. I knew it would be a long time for Kiba to forgive me, for him to let us go back to friends. I had to let him go though, it was no longer fair to him.

As much as I loved Kiba, I couldn't force myself to fall in love with him. He covered up the pain I felt because of losing Sasuke to Orochimaru's promise of power. Orochimaru is gone, he no longer has a hold over Sasuke. Now all that's left is helping Sasuke complete his goal, and bring him home.

I went back to everyone else, staring around. Kakashi stood close to me, and I just looked at him before nodding. Letting him know that my conflict of where my heart belonged was gone. Surely he would find some peace within that.

"Sasuke's scent is moving and spreading, it's as if he is spread out." Kiba said to the rest of the group, and Naruto gave his famous look of determination.

"They have a sensory type, she is exceptionally better at sensing chakra than I am, and it can spread out for miles." I looked at Kakashi and he nodded.

"Well then I guess we need to search everywhere," Naruto created his shadow clones, "Akari you stick with one of them."

The two of us took off tracking in the direction that Kiba pointed us in. Except he wasn't this way, the feeling of chakra that I felt here was one that I didn't want to run into. Not yet. The shadow clone was instantly destroyed, and I felt my entire body tense up. How was I supposed to face him without the fox? Without Sasuke?

"Itachi, if you plan on capturing me, then you better be ready for a fight." I growled, facing the man. He was still young, but yet it was if he looked years older than he actually was. A part of me still wanted to run up to him like I would as a child but I knew that he wasn't that teenager anymore. He wasn't the same person that used to play with Sasuke and I.

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