God Father

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a SUPER short filler chapter before we start the next arc of the story

-Obito POV, flashback-

We were all sitting in the training field, Rin and I both out of breath. The perfect Kakashi was fine though, still going through the obstacle course that Minato Sensei had set up. We all watched him in awe as he went through it all, over and over again. I don't think this guy ever stopped moving. Did he ever even sleep?

"Hey! Kakashi! Come on I brought you all dinner!" I cringed at the loud mouth that was now standing right above us. I looked back to see Minato Sensei's wife standing above all of us.

"Do you ever not yell?" I groaned and winced was she smacked the top of my head. I got up on my feet and glared at her.

"Do you know how to show some respect?" Kushina glared back at me, and I just rolled my eyes at her words.

"Yeah to people who deserve it!" I snapped and she started drowning on about how one day I would have to grow up if I ever wanted to be a strong ninja.

"You know, one day if you and Minato Sensei ever have kids I hope you name them Akari, in hopes that they take after Sensei and not you." Rin was the one to smack me this time, and then pull me down next to her and Kakashi.

"Minato, I hope you can whip this one into shape." Kushina sighed and began handing out food to each of us.

Strangely enough, she handed me some first.

———-Kushina pov———-

"It seems as though there are two!" The medic said happily and I felt my whole world freeze around me. Two babies? Not just one? But two? Twins? I was having twins? I was going to be a mother to twins?

The walk back to the shared home of Minato and I seemed to be a long one. Maybe this was the news that Minato needed after losing Obito, and Rin. Even the thought of his name brought a bit of sting. That loud little boy would have a hay day if he found out i was having twins. Oh the mean comments he would come up with. Even though he didn't have a truly mean bone in his body. And with the passing of Rin, Minato needed a win. Maybe this could help Kakashi too. We could give him a roll to play.


"So Kushina we have the name Naruto, what about the other name?" Minato smiled at me and I just raised an eyebrow at him.

"What do you mean? Other name?" I looked at him confused as I cooked dinner.

"Well there are two and we very well can't name them both Naruto?"

"Akari, Minato how could you forget?" I whispered and Minato froze a bit. He then let a small but sad smile spread on his face.

"Akari it is then, guess that means Obito would be her God Father?" Minato kissed my cheek.

"Yes, and he would've been good at it too."


I watched from a distance while the blonde haired little girl played with a ball. She was four now, and if I wanted to I could just take her with me. Raise her. Let her be by my side. But then, when she found out about her brother she would never forgive me. She would hate me. No, instead I will let her come to me on her own accord.

She will just need a little push first.

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