A Funeral with a Surprise

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-Kakashi POV-

I stared forward at the blonde girl standing in front of me. She smiled, tilting her head a little bit. I kept staring in shock. As the green light glowed around me, I just kept shaking my head.

"Akari, no, you shouldn't be here." I sounded frantic as I stared at her, trying to reach for her.

"Neither should you."

That was the last thing I heard from her. Those last simple words.

-Kiba POV-

The days following the attack of Pain were some of the most surreal days of my life. Everything seemed to move in slow motion since the moment Naruto walked away from the battle and told us the news. Not only did they kill her, they took her body. That damn Aloe Vera thing took her body.

So today we were standing at an empty grave. Naruto stood at the front, with Kakashi and Iruka by his side. I stood next to the old Team Eight. Shikamaru stood with the three sand ninja, Gaara even found time to make this trip. What made it even worse was the fact that the sky was bright today, bright and happy. Just like she always seemed to be.

Akari Uzumaki you were my light, and I won't stop until every single one of the Akatsuki are dead.

—/// naruto pov \\\—

The funeral was over, and everything was still so weird around here. I saved the village, everyone was brought back. Everyone but.. Everyone but Akari. They took her body, Kakashi Sensei assumes they wanted to try and extract the Nine Tails before it moved on from her body.

Kakashi and I walked back through what was left of the village. We had to start picking everything back up, and start rebuilding. I could barely find the strength to walk though, how was I supposed to go on without her?Every time I close my eyes I see the one thing I saw before the Nine Tails transformation began.. Her looking at me with dull eyes, before they closed.

Akari was like a compass for so many people, trying her best to keep everyone pointed in the right direction. She was exactly what her name suggested, a light. Akari had so much left to do with her life, but she couldn't. Instead now we have to go on with the memory.

"Naruto?" I heard a familiar voice say, and I turned to see Ten Ten staring at me. Her eyes were puffy, and suddenly I remembered that Ten Ten barely got to see her before she..

"Hey, what's up Ten Ten?" I gave her a small smile, and walked closer to her.

"I don't want to seem disrespectful I know you need time to mourn, but Akari wouldn't want us to all mourn her like this," Ten Ten looked nervous, "We should all have a small thing, just us friends, we can all get dinner at any restaurant that's left and just be together right now?"

I looked at Ten Ten for a second, and I just smiled before nodding.

"I think that is what Akari would want."


"Do you remember before her and Shikamaru were friends and she full out punched him for making an arrogant comment towards Naruto?" Ino snorted a little bit, and so did Sakura as they sat next to each other. Hinata laughed quietly, her eyes still cloudy with tears.

"Hinata, what is your favorite memory of Akari?" I asked her quietly, and she froze up before letting out a sigh.

"There are so many memories from the days of Team eight being together, so it is hard to pick just one, but I think my favorite memory of her has to be just her way of caring about people," Hinata whispered.

"Even the people who didn't deserve it." Shikamaru whispered. I knew who he was referring to, and I couldn't help but wonder if he would ever hear the news. If there was some way I could get the news to him. After all, he did care about her.

////////Kakashi POV////////

Things were slowly coming back to normal. The attack of Pain was a memory burned into all of our heads, but the joy that everyone.. almost everyone.. came back shadowed that fear. Shikamaru has suggested that Akari was touched by the same Jutsu, but I had to be the one to remind him that although it could've been possible.. The Akatsuki would never let her live if the nine tails was still apart of her when they took her.

So instead of holding onto a false hope, I walked along with Sakura and Naruto. Enjoying the view, all of us trying our best to not remember what we had lost.

"Hey, you guys!" Kiba yelled running up on the back of Akamaru.

"Kiba, what's wrong?" Sakura question and Kiba looked at all of us.

"Now I need you guys to just stay calm, Lady Tsunade has been relieved of her title, and some guy named Donzo has been appointed sixth Hokage,"

This can't be good.

"And that isn't the only shocker, the sixth Hokage just declared both Sasuke and Akari rogue ninja, and called for their immediate elimination,"

"Wait, what but Akari she is-" Sakura started to talk but Kiba interjected.

"He says he has reason to believe Akari used her death as a cover up to sneak away from the village one last time."

A/N I guess I already spoiled who Tobi actually is but spoiler...

••obito pov••

I sat next to the bed, my mask off, as I watched her peacefully sleep. The poor girl had been through a lot in the past few days. When she died, the nine tails left her body, so when she was brought back she wasn't instantly awoken. I guess if Nagato was good for anything it was bringing her back to me. After the idiot clearly disobeyed me and killed her without my permission.

The girl really did look so much like her mother, but also a lot like her father. After watching her though, she gained the personality of a person she never had the chance to know.. Rin. Rin would've loved her, and they would've gotten along so well. Maybe that is why Kakashi took her under his wing, to fight back the guilt he held towards what he did to Rin.

Akari began shifting in her slumber, slowly but surely she was waking up.. And when she did, I would use her in battle in a way even worse than just using her for her abilities. No, if Naruto or Kakashi, or even Sasuke got in my way... She would be there. Throwing them off guard.

"We are going to have the perfect world together Akari, a world where we are both happy, just wait.."

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