One Last Time

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As I got closer to where I could feel Kiba's chakra I felt my breath hitch in my throat. The debris filled area didn't seem to have any slight trace of life. What if he was slowly dying and i just can't get there fast enough? Images of Kakashi's still warm body flashed through my head as I felt my gut clench. Everything felt as though it was shaking. My legs buckled once again and I felt the tears coming back, but I bit my tongue trying to hold them in.

Even in his last moments Kakashi was thinking of me.. He had mentioned once my sweet nature followed by a stern look reminded him of a teammate he had once. This was part of the reason he took to me so fast, because I brought back the good memories of a pretty girl who was in love with his best friend. Even if back then she thought she wanted Kakashi because he was "cool". This was the same best friend who gave me my name.. Once when Kakashi got uncharacteristically sentimental he told me that I reminded him so much of the people he had lost, that it brought back the good memories that he had so long had clouded by the bad. Naruto and I both reminded him of the important people he had lost. We made him not want to be alone anymore.

So for you Kakashi Sensei, I will stand tall. I will face this enemy head on with my brother. We will take him down together. I promise you, that no matter what, I will avenge you. First though, Kiba.

"Kiba?" I called out, my voice shaking a little bit more than I cared for it too, "Kiba!"

Some of the debris was pushed up and came crashing down. Kiba and Akamaru, plus Tsume and Kuromaru were with them. I locked eyes with Kiba and felt my heart fill with a little bit of relief amongst all the sadness. I scrambled forward and wrapped myself around him. He instantly hugged me back, pulling me closer to him even though I was already squished against him.

"Akari, we thought that, we thought they already captured you," Kiba stumbled over his words, excitement filling his voice. He pulled back and kissed my forehead lightly before looking at me and my tear stained face.

"Kakashi is dead." I whispered, and even Tsume's stoic facial expression faltered.

"Akari, I-"

"It's fine, there is no time, you're safe that's all I needed to see." I said sternly, interrupting the pity filled apology about to leave his mouth.

"Where do you go next young Akari?" Tsume looked at me, and then gave me a knowing look before looking at Kiba knowing she would have to contain him.

"My brother is going to need my help, you two rest up you look like hell," I looked at Kiba one more time before planting a kiss against his cheek.

"No absolutely not, they want you Akari!" Kiba yelled grabbing both my wrists lightly.

"Kiba I can't leave my brother alone, you have to remember they want him too, if I lose him after losing Kakashi, I am going to go insane." I whispered and Kiba just stared at me before looking back at his mom.

"Kiba, I believe her to be tougher than any of the other girls your age." Tsume defended me and I smiled softly at them both.

If they take me, then they won't take Naruto.

"I need you to stay alive." I whispered to Kiba resting a hand on his cheek.

"Yeah, you do the same." Kiba looked at me and hesitated, "Damnit I am about to make myself look like an idiot."

I raised an eyebrow but then before I could even ask a question it was answered, Kiba pulled me into him and kissed me one more time. This time on the lips. I couldn't help but feel the same feeling I always felt. Bringing back any feelings I held for Kiba, but I still couldn't help but feel guilty considering I had just told him not too long ago that it was Sasuke for me. Kiba pulled back and looked at me with a small, sad, smile on his face.

"Just in case." Kiba whispered and then we both heard the howling laughter of his mother.

"I knew it! Oh I'm going to win big on this bet with Kaka-" Tsume stopped herself and then looked back at the two of us, "Akari you better get going, go be the hero Kakashi believed you to be."

I looked at Kiba one more time. Then took off in the direction of where my brother and the Akatsuki member were standing off. I knew that Naruto would never let me do this, he would stop me somehow. I couldn't let him though. I had to protect him this time.

I'll be seeing you sooner than I thought Kakashi.

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