Reunion Cut Short

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-Akari POV-

Shikamaru was sitting across from me at a table, with Ino sitting next to him, and Hinata on the other side of her. I was sat in between Shino and Kiba, and Choji was at the end of the table eating away. Everyone else was watching me intently waiting for me to explain myself, and explain was I said to Shikamaru.

"So, you think Sasuke is chasing after you? No way, not Sasuke, no offense Akari-" I glared at Ino as she was about to start saying something on how I wasn't that special, or how Sasuke would never do that.

"Let me just start by saying that Sasuke is not the same person you obsessed over from the time we were kids Ino, he's... darker now," I took a deep breath, but before I could let myself get too emotional Kiba lightly laid his hand on my leg, causing me to give him a small smile.

"Start from the beginning Akari, tell us everything." Hinata mumbled, looking at me with a small smile on her face. She was trying her best to comfort me, but was still obviously extremely shy about all of it. Hinata's outward appearance had changed a lot, despite her still being uncomfortable in social situations. She became even more gorgeous than she was before. According to Kiba, both her and Shino had grown a lot stronger. The three of them grew as a teen.

"When we first got to Orochimaru, Sasuke didn't change with me at all, but after awhile I was no longer his.." I glanced around not sure what word to use to describe us, "I instead became a prisoner, and he became overly paranoid that I was going to betray his trust, soon enough we weren't seeing each other during the days anymore, and when I tried to escape the first time, he sent his chidori straight through my elbow before looking me in the eyes and saying next time it would be my heart."

Kiba was curling his fists, Shikamaru looked annoyed beyond belief, and everyone else just looked shocked.

"The Sasuke we once knew is not the one my brother is training to bring back home, that Sasuke is gone," I began explaining but Ino shot up from her seat.

"So you're just giving up on him like it's nothing?" Ino shouted, not seeming to care the attention we were gathering now.

"Ino, you're making yourself look like an idiot, sit down." Shikamaru sighed at his overdramatic teammate.

"No, she's being unfair, and acting like-"

"Acting like what Ino?! You think giving up on him was an easy choice? He was my best friend, from the time we were younger, but you wouldn't know that would you?" I snapped and stood up from my seat too staring across at the blonde, "Sasuke is so much more than a cute boy you had a meaningless crush on, and I hate to be the one to tell you this I am one of the only people he formed a meaningful bond with, as far as I can remember he never gave you the damn time of day."

Ino looked taken back by my words, and looked around at our teammates as if she expected them to defend her. No one said anything though, probably because they knew it was true. I narrowed my eyes at her waiting for her to say something back.

"You know what, you're right, you are the only other person he formed a bond with, other than your brother, so good luck trying to explain to him why you have given up on Sasuke." Ino's voice was bitter and cold. She turned around and exited the restaurant quickly and I glanced around at everybody else before slowly sitting back down.

"Well, I've gotta get going to go meet up with Temari, Akari you still coming with me?" Shikamaru stood up and I nodded.

"I'll meet up with you guys later." I looked at Kiba who was pouting a little bit, he wanted all of Team 8 to spend some time together now that I was back. I had to speak to Temari though, we hadn't saw each other since before I left the Hidden Sand.

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