Old Memories...

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-Akari POV-

"Hinata I need you to use your byakugan and scan the hideout, make sure that there are no traps to run into, as far as I can sense there are no chakra sources." We were standing outside the entrance of the hideout. Hinata was following my commands and began scanning the hideout thoroughly. Kiba and Akamaru were ready to attack at a moment's notice and Shino had bugs scanning outside of my fifteen mile radius. I began double checking my weapons, and pulled out a certain red scroll before laying it out. I bit the edge of my thumb and summoned the weapon that was waiting inside. A black katana appeared in of me, still in its sheath. I positioned it on my back, Kiba raised his eyebrow at me.

"You're a weapon user now?" Kiba asked the question that was on everybody's mind I am sure. I looked at him and then walked over to the tree that was right outside of the hideout. I rain my hand over the parts of the wood that were cut, and damaged. Some marks from shuriken, some from kunai knives, and most from the same katana that was on my back.

"I had a lot of free time while I was stuck here, and I was allowed outside for training only, but I wasn't allowed to use any jutsu, so I got pretty handy with this." I couldn't help but feel a little bit of sadness wash over me. Before he went completely dark, Sasuke and I had trained on this tree together.


I laid on my back in my bland room in the dark hideout. Luckily I had convinced Kabuto to let me have a better lamp after promising I wouldn't try to kill him when they made me enter Nine Tails mode. I knew he wasn't stupid enough to forget I didn't have complete control, but I think the sociopath had somewhat of a soft spot for me. I wasn't a fan of the dark, or of boring places. That's all this stupid hideout was.

Sasuke was usually gone, and training with Orochimaru. Our training sessions had to be kept separate because Orochimaru felt as if we paid better attention if the other one was gone. Which in a way was true, but we made him compromise to give us at least one hour a day to spar.

Today though? That sparring time hadn't come. I knew Sasuke would make it up to me when he came to my room tonight, but yet I still couldn't help but let myself pout at him being gone. A whole day without him? After almost a whole year of us being together every single day? It was like some form of torture.

This alone time also gave me way too much time to think, and to start wondering about Naruto. About everyone in the Hidden Leaf actually. I wonder if they continued on with their lives, I'd hate to think that they were just sitting around waiting for me to come back. Waiting for us to come back..

A knock at the door brought my attention back to normal, and I heard the lock click open. When the door was opened Sasuke stood there with Kabuto. He glared at the older man and Kabuto quickly walked away. Sasuke entered the room and sent a small smile my way. Next thing I knew my face was being pulled into a kiss.

We both seemed to let out a sigh of relief as we first began to kiss. I smiled into the way his lips felt against mine, and then linked my hands behind his neck slightly wrapping my fingers into his hair before giving it a slight tug. This caused a deep moan to come from his throat, and him to pull back to look at me.

"How has your day been, my little light?" Sasuke's voice was clearly tired, which meant he was probably going to drag me into bed and lay there all night. I had to admit, knowing that no matter how strong he was getting he was still soft for me, was beyond comforting.

"Boring, what happened to our hour together? I had a new move I wanted to try out." I poured and pulled back to cross my arms across my chest. He rolled his eyes at my childish antics and then pulled me back towards his chest.

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