History Repeats in Weird Ways

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hi guys, so you are all going to notice a BIG similarity between Akari and her future nephew in this chapter. there is a reason for it, although it won't come until the future.. which hints/leads to a pretty big announcement at the end of this chapter!

-Akari POV-

I stood outside of Kakashi's house, pounding on the door. Just as the sun began to creep over the edge of the horizon in the background, he finally opened the door. His hair was disheveled, and his mask was lazily hung over his face. Kakashi stared at me for a second before letting out a defeated sigh. He knew I was coming, he was ready for me to. Kurenai had warned him that during my off time from missions he was in charge of me.

"Good morning Kakashi Sensei, I'm ready to begin my training." I looked at him with a determined face, his heavily lidded eyes searched my face for a second before he finally spoke.

"You don't use any kind of special ninjutsu do you? Like Chidori or Rasengan?" Kakashi's voice indicated that he really had just woken up. I felt a bit of guilt for getting here this early, but I wanted to learn fast.

"No, I don't. I have always just fought with weapons, I didn't think there was anything special I could learn, and then when I left.. I was mainly focused on the Nine Tails." I felt uncomfortable explaining to a Jonin, that I was technically a Chunin thanks to recommendations and I had no flashy move. Other than a demon fox that lived inside of me and wanted to take over my body.

"Do you have any idea on what you want to learn?" Kakashi sighed, stepping aside so I could enter his house.

"My Dad's technique, flying raijin." I spoke firmly and he stared at me in shock for a second, before letting out a chuckle.

"You know, I have no doubt for a second that you're capable of that, but that is going to be a lot harder," Kakashi paused, "You know you and Naruto do everything together, so why don't we try teaching you rasengan?"

"Respectfully, Kakashi Sensei, that's Naruto's signature move, I want one of my own." I knew I sounded like a brat but I wanted to be able to do something outside of Naruto. I wanted to have something like Kiba and Hinata.

"Hm, I just wanted to start with the basics, but tell me what is your chakra nature?" Kakashi stepped into his room, I'm assuming to get dressed.

"Lightning, but I also have the ability to use Wind, Orochimaru told me that while I was with him, before he-"

"You don't have to relive your time there Akari, we are going to start you off learning the rasengan, and then just like I'm doing with your brother, you will then build off of that." Kakashi came back out, dressed in his normal outfit.

"But that-"

"Won't take forever, you have better control over the Nine Tails, and have always been more advanced than your brother, I expect within the next two weeks you will be comfortable enough to use the new jutsu." Kakashi looked at me for a second before letting out a small sigh.

"I promised you once that I would tell you stories of your father, and of your mother, so while we are training I plan on living up to that deal."

"Thank you, Kakashi Sensei." I smiled at him and bowed my head gratefully, when I lifted it back up he just placed a warm hand on top of my head. The gesture was small, but it still brought a grin to my face.

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