Words of Advice

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-hi guys, J here, this chapter is SO fluffy, but also just the beginning of Akari's journey... important announcement at the end of it so PLEASE read it!-

"Akari." He smiled at me, a soft smile that was warm and something that I never knew I would need. Something that I didn't know I missed. I sat in shock, looking at him. So many different words and emotions were going through my head. I wanted to yell, I wanted to tell him that I hated that he had to be a hero.

"You're, you're here?" Those were the only words that I could find to even begin to describe how I felt. I was confused. Was this some hallucination? Was I dead? It wasn't a hallucination, I had felt his touch. I could still feel what it was like for him to hug me.

He moved us to a new location, a place that was more peaceful. A place that helped me see him even more clear. His eyes and his hair were both matching in color to mine and Naruto's. He was a handsome man, and everything about him seems warm, and happy.

"I never expected this moment to come so soon, but I can't say I'm not happy to meet you." The Fourth Hokage was staring at me and looking at me the way Shikamaru's Dad always looked at him... With pride?

Here I was, standing in front of the man who was titles a hero of the village. The man who saved us during war. The man who protected the village from the Nine Tails. The man who was a legend. Orochimaru was the one to tell me all of this. So how would he feel that I betrayed the village? That I left? That I had been working with the man that killed the Third Hokage. How would he feel that I left my brother?

"You shouldn't be." I mumbled, finally letting my emotions come out. I began sobbing, wiping my eyes furiously so he couldn't see the tears,

"I'm nothing like you, for so long I protected Naruto, I stood by his side, we were all we had and that was okay, but when I found out about the Nine Tails being put into the two of us, it was like a switch flipped, I gave up on myself, I gave up on learning any ninjutsu, I left the village because I thought I would gain power,"

"Akari, stop and listen." He pulled me against his chest and hugged me. It was a tight hug, a hug that seemed to put all of my broken pieces back together almost, "You're not all to blame for those mistakes, I'm not upset with you, I am more upset with myself that that I left you with no choice but to resort to this."

"W-What?" I sniffled pulling back to look at him.

"As your father it would have been my job to train you, help you harness your skills, I think you could master my Jutsu, and I think I know someone who could help you." He smiled at me again, and then began wiping my cheeks.

"Who? What Jutsu?" I looked at him curiously, questioning what he meant.

"Flying Raijin Jutsu, become the new Yellow Flash, have Kakashi teach you that and have him help you learn more techniques, he was my student I know he's exceptional."

"Yeah, yeah he offered to train me once, before I left the village, we never got around to it." I sighed, feeling disappointment win myself wash over me again.

"Seems as if he lived up to his promise, I wanted him to take you both under his wing, he protected your mom while she was pregnant you know? I figured he would have felt a little bit of a protective instinct over you too, you look almost exactly like her, except for the hair, that's all me." My dad smiled at me, looking at me with so much love and pride. I blushed bashfully feeling shy under his eye.

"I look like mom? That's the first time I haven't been told I look like Naruto." I laughed and he laughed along with me.

"Also, continue to work on your sensory abilities, those will come in handy one day, I don't have much time so I leave you with these words okay?" My dad grabbed my face lovingly, "You have enough power within you, without that fox taking over, and no matter what you do, I am proud that you help carry on our legacy, you and Naruto both."

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