I Knew

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I leaped out into the dark night and running across the rooftops. I wanted to get as far as possible so Hawkmoth wouldn't find me. My plan was to find a good place that would keep me in the shadows so that I'd be able to stay there a while and also come up with a good plan to defeat Hawkmoth and get Tikki back. I just hope he doesn't find out that Adrien's Miraculous is missing soon otherwise he'll start his search by sending out an akuma and without my Ladybug's costume and Chat Noir, I won't be able to help the akumatised victim.

I found an old church near the edge of the city. It didn't have much of a view since this area was a bit dark. There was a tower above the church with a bell in it. I climbed up to the tower and sat down in the corner near the bell. I was completely exhausted. These were the most stressful and horrifying hours I had ever experienced in my life. How will Adrien react when he finds out who Hawkmoth is behind the mask? How will he take it when he realises his ring is missing?

So many questions were spinning around my head but there were only a few I needed to focus on right now.

How do I use this suit?

Contrary to popular belief, I don't actually hear the Kwamis when I'm in the suit.

So instead of proper instructions, I had to figure it out on my own. I looked around me and found the tail. Although it wasn't so much a tail as it is just a long belt. I then continued my search and found the baton attached to my back.

"How do I use this thing?" I whispered to myself.

I slid my thumb upwards a few times and then something weird happened. It opened to show a digital dial pad where I could call people. It even had a camera attached to the front. It was almost like a regular phone except I doubt I could call anyone other than the other Miraculous holders which would only be Adrien.

I closed it and kept looking at it. I remember Adrien being able to extend it during battles but I didn't know how to do it myself. I inspected it further and found a dark green paw print on it. It felt like a button, so I pressed it and it extended. Although, the moment it did, it broke through the floor since it was almost vertical. The other end hit the bell and it rang quite loudly. I was hoping no one had noticed but almost as soon as the baton hit the bell, the doors to the Church opened and an old man in his pyjamas walked out with a torch in hand.

"Who's there?" he called out. I stayed silent and still. I knew he wouldn't spot me due to the fact that I'm covered in all black. He then went back in and mumbled something I wasn't able to catch.

I sighed of relief and pressed the button again and it retracted and was in its original state. I stared at it and cursed its very existence. It almost had me caught. I put it back in place and looked around. I touched my head and found that it had cat ears. I then looked at my nails and noticed just how sharp they were. I realised something. The only reason I was able to see so well was because of my night vision power. This was amazing!

I looked around me and saw the big, bright moon shine at me. My eyes lit up and I could feel hopefulness and courage take over me. I suddenly had this feeling that made me feel like I could do the impossible. A lot had happened during the year; for one, I was gifted powers to protect my city and I found out that my "business partner" was also the guy I was crushing on at school.

This year was insane.

As I looked down at my hands, I realised I was still in the suit and didn't want to waste the Kwami's energy.

"Spots off?" I said, knowing it wouldn't work.

"Remove the ears." I said.

"Uh, tail in."

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