1-The Spoiled Princess

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Nako's POV

I woke up from this warm morning hearing the birds chirping and the dogs barking in the distance. My maid came in my room to greet me with a good morning and a glass of water. After finishing getting myself ready for the day, I went downstairs to be greeted by the staffs and also my parents.

My mom, Watanabe Mayu is the Queen and my other mom is Kashiwagi Yuki. I also have two sisters. My older sister, Sakura whom is named after a cherry blossom. When my parents first visited Japan, they were mesmerized by the cherry blossoms and so they named her after it. Sakura unnie is well-known for her looks and charisma. Everyone at school can't stop looking at her beauty yet she is already engaged to Lee Chaeyeon, oldest daughter of a dance studio company. The studio is known to choreograph famous celebrities dance moves. My youngest sister now is Hitomi a.k.a bangtomi due to her love for bread and is the quiet and yet most savage between us three. And then there is me, Nako only 149.9 cm tall joked for my height yet Mayuyu oka-san always cheers me up, sometimes Yukirin oka-san gets jealous.

"Are you done daydreaming?" Sakura unnie said.

"I was not daydreaming unnie, I was just thinking of a dream I had last night that's all" I said while spreading some butter on my bread and looking at Mayuyu oka-san.

"Well, today is your first day back to school, and you three still have events to attend to especially you Sakura with the engagement and preparation for your wedding." Yukirin oka-san said as she asked the maid to go get the schedules for our activities.

As we were finishing up eating, my parents left first since there was many paper works to do. As for me, I started to prepare my things to go to school and also waited for my chauffeur to have the car ready.

At school

"The 3 Princesses are here"
"Sakura-unnie Saranghae!"
"Hitomiiii!! Here is some bread, fresh from the oven!"
"Nako kiyowo!"

"It seems like you three are still the most popular in IZ*university" said Jo Yuri, my best friend and daughter of two famous singers.

"Well, they will always have fans no matter where they go" said Kim Chaewon unnie whom Hitomi has a crush on.

"Like or hate them, they will always be spoiled by everyone" said Kwon Eunbi, daughter of the CEO of Woolim Entertainment and also Chaewon unnie's older sister.

"Always thinking badly about them Unnie! Can't you think about something else like their achievements like volunteering and charity work ?" Said Yuri to Eunbi unnie whom is not listening and drinking her sprite which was given from her fan club.

"You are just bitter about it" I told Eunbi unnie

After the long class, it was time to go home.

"Nako! Have you seen Yuri?" Asked Choi Yena, daughter of a famous musician.

"She said that she needed to go straight home since there was something important why?"

"I needed to talk to her.."

"You can do it tomorrow morning"

"It was important..." sighed Yena

"Were you going to finally confess your love to her?" Said Eunbi unnie as she popped out of nowhere


"Well its better you tell her sooner since I saw a Hyewon flirting with her, the basketball player." Said Eunbi unnie

"Thanks for telling me that I had competition, Eunbi unnie!" Said Yena while pouting and her lips forming a duck shaped lips

"No problem, well I'm going now so see ya guys tomorrow!" Said Eunbi while running to her Maserati car

"Don't listen to her rumours Yena unnie"

"But she is right tho, many guys are flirting everyday with Yuri..."

"My ride is here see ya tomorrow Yena unnie"

"See ya tomorrow"

No one's POV
"Thank you for accepting our offer Mr.Kwon" said the Queen

"It is my pleasure and finally my daughter can express her true feelings for your daughter princess Nako ever since she saved her from nearly drowning when they were children and them being good friends. Eunbi always had a huge crush on your daughter. Yet, due to princess Nako not remembering her bond with my daughter, it shattered my Eunbi until today as they are both in the same school." Said Mr.Kwon

"The accident truly impacted our daughter and until today she has a phobia of driving by herself since then we have been giving her the most protection possible so it won't happen again." Said Mayuyu oka-san

Sakura's POV

"Hey! Why you standing here?" Asked Chaeyeon as she gave me a peck on the lips.

"Oh gosh JJaeyeon! Don't scared me like that. I overheard my parents and Mr.Kwon talking and I think Nako and Eunbi unnie will be in an arranged marriage." I told Chaeyeon

"Oh but aren't those two like just schoolmates now since the accident" asked Chaeyeon while back hugging me

"They are but Eunbi unnie always had this huge crush on Nako yet ever since the accident everything changed, she barely does aegyo anymore. I miss that Nako..."

"What do you miss Sakura unnie?" Asked Nako has she came downstairs

"Irene sunbaenim and Red velvet concert" I lied but I actually did miss Red Velvet's concert

"Ah okay..." told Nako

"Well, we need to go right Chaeyeon?"

"We do?"

"Yes since we need to check the venue for our wedding remember" I tried winking at Chaeyeon which I failed

"Oh right the venue, See ya later Nako!"

"See ya later unnies!" Nako said as we headed for the door

In the car

"When do you think your parents are going to tell Nako about the arrangement?"

"I do not know maybe later at dinner or later on like a few months since she still is very young..."

"Let's hope it won't be a huge argument between your parents and Nako"

"Yeah... I hope so since both of them love to spoil her due to her height but this arrangement may be good for Nako."

Here is the first chapter, hope you guys like it and sorry if its not that good... anyways leave a comment and vote for it. Arigatoo


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