18-Their time

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No one's POV

As Nako was on her way to this remote island, when they were near the island the plane needed to do an emergency landing but they arrived at their destinations safely. While Nako was at this Island with very low connection, it was difficult to have any outside connections basically the island was isolated, no signal at all except for when she was about to leave then there was this local town which only communicated within the island and not outside the island. There was no Tv and WIFI. It was very much the last place you would go if you are addicted with your mobiles and internet. Plane schedules were once a month due to the seclusion of protection for this island.

Nako spends more time in this remote place since she was enjoying herself with the people and also she was learning the culture and tradition which fascinated her. Months have passed and Nako felt better and  decided that it was time to go home.

Eunbi's side

Eunbi-unnie was still heart broken about Nako's death and hasn't been to work for a week now. Since the people still have not found her body, which leaves a bit of hope that her Nako was still alive.

Nako's Pov

I finally arrived home, I was at the airport, the immigration guard was surprised to see me.  It was as if he saw a ghost or something. He was looking very pale at me and then asked if I was really Princess Nako

"Yes I am Princess Nako, It is written there in my passport"

"You sure" he asked and he was starting to sweat and then was starting to become pale


"o-ok" stuttered the guard and then gave me back my passport very quickly and went straight to find his superior or something.

As I kept walking more and more, people were looking at me and were like gossiping. I really do not know what was happening.

At the exit, I was waiting for a ride yet to my surprise no one came to pick me up or I couldn't reach anyone. I ended up calling for an Uber driver since taxi is not really the best. (author: they like to take very long detours so their prices are higher). Upon arriving to my house, I paid the driver and then the driver just pressed on the gas as he too was sweating and looked very pale. I entered the house and it felt very very gloomy. It felt like as if someone died. Did someone passed away while I was gone???

I put my bags down near the main entrance, I looked around and went to the kitchen to get something to drink and then

"Hii-Chan!!!!" I shouted as I was so happy to see her.

"aaaAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH"scream Hii-chan

"aaaAAAAAHHHH!!!"screamed also Chaewon-unnie when she heard Hii-chan screamed and saw me which made her scream also

"Why you guys scr- AAAAAAHHHH!!!!"screamed Chaeyeon unnie in which I then cover both of my ears since the screaming won't stop.

"Jjaeyeon why so lou- AAAAAAHHH"screamed Sakura nee

"Mina!! Stop screaming!!!!"I shouted to all of them

"Nako's ghost is hunting us!"Chaewon unnie said

"Did we do something wrong? Is it because we kept mentioning her height?" asked Chaeyeon unnie to the three whom are looking very pale.

"Maybe!"said Hii-chan

"Ya! Stop Joking! I missed you all so much!"I told then and then gave them hugs

"Why is she so warm? Isn't she supposed to be cold?"said Sakura nee

||A Desire to Love and Trust|| Eunbi x NakoWhere stories live. Discover now