4-The Agreement

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Nako's POV

"Your highness, we have found the location of Eunbi-chan" said one of my guards

"Send me the location, I will personally pay her a visit" I said to the guards as I rushed to get in my car and telling the other guards to not follow and just send the location to the others for emergency.

As I was a sitting in the back seat while my driver drove, there was so much going on in my mind, I did not know how to face her with all the anxiety I had at the moment but in the same time she was dragged in this mess because of me.

We finally arrived at her driveway and parked the car. Her beach house was simple yet it was elegant and noticeable that she was someone from high class. I went to the front door and rang the bell.

The door opened revealing Eunbi-unnie

"Did not expect you to be in my front door and how did you know I was here?" Said Eunbi-unnie with a confused look as she just stared at me.

"I'm sure that you saw the news this morning and that it's trending number one on twitter." I told her while showing the #RoyalEngagement trend

"Yeah, and then I ignored it and just relaxed for the moment while the spread starts to decline." Said Eunbi-unnie while holding her sprite

"You really think that this news will just disappear one day!" I screamed at her since this matter was not to be taken easily.

"Well, it is just an engagement news" she replied

"That is all you can say about this! We are announced as engaged and you are chill about us getting married" I told her starting to be furious at how easy she is taking the news.

"Ya! I did not ask to be in this mess in the first place and also it's just an engagement announcement. It won't ruin your reputation and it might help you with your spoiled attitude. Are we clear?! I want to be alone right now and forget about all this but you made the situation worst! I'm sure that at the moment there are press in front of the house now! So just go and leave me alone!" Eunbi-unnie said as she raised her voice

As I was surprised by the way that Eunbi-unnie replied to my angered speech. I was just quiet as I went to the door and too my surprised when I opened it. Mayuyu oka-san, the Queen was right in front of me.

"Oh Good, the two people I wanted to talk to" Said oka-san making her way inside the house, shocking Eunbi-unnie.

"Good afternoon, your highness." Said Eunbi-unnie has she bowed and tries to avoid eye contact with the Queen as respect.

"Good afternoon to you to Eunbi. You may lift your head now. Since I do need to talk to you both."

"What is so important that you came here at Eunbi-unnie's house?" I asked mayuyu oka-san

"I came here as soon as I learned that Nako came here to see you due to the news and also there was a proposition from the boards about a royal engagement a few days ago" Mayuyu oka-san said to the both of us

"What proposition? I questioned my mother

"The proposition is that the royal family will be welcoming a person of the community in the family. I have already spoken with your father Eunbi about the engagement and he accepts it" told Mayuyu oka-san with elegance

"What do you mean by welcoming a person of the community in the family? I asked still not understanding what oka-san meant

"She means by marriage smol bean" Eunbi-unnie said to me

"I ain't a smol bean and oka-san you seriously don't mean marriage right?" I pouted to her

"Me and your Yukirin oka-san agreed for the marriage between you too. You Nako will be marrying Eunbi-chan." You two will announce your marriage on the day of Nako's birthday. It is if Eunbi-chan accepts. Eunbi-chan you have until Nako's birthday to make a decision and if you do not show up that day then I will know that you have declined the agreement. This agreement is not just about you two but the whole country. The other countries think we are a laughable and weak country since the many social and political disagreement with the royalty and the people. I do not want this country to turn against the royal family and fall economically.

"I will think about it your highness" said Eunbi-unnie

Mayuyu POV

"May I speak to you Eunbi-chan" I asked her while Nako was still gathering all the informations

"Of course, your highness" said Eunbi-chan

"I know that this is a shocking news to both of you. But I do not want Nako to always rely on her royal status and especially rely on me. I know that she has her sisters to support her but in the end Sakura and Hitomi won't always be there for her. I know that you love Nako since you were kids and the accident did change her due to the comma and shock. But deep down I know that you are the only one who can be there for Nako at her lowest point and to give her much love as a mother's love for her daughter." I told her and she was shocked when I knew about her love for Nako

"Your highness, I have and am truly in love with Nako and I would be the one to take a bullet for her even if she is a spoiled princess and is a smol bean. But no matter what I know that I can change her to be a better princess whom you can be proud of. You can rely on me to be there and give her the love she always had even if she has not noticed it yet." Eunbi-chan said with confidence

"I better get back home soon and I know that I can rely on you Eunbi-chan" I said while preparing to leave while also calling Nako that we are leaving.

"It was nice talking to you Eunbi-chan, I hope to hear from you soon" I said while smiling

"Nee, oka-san what did you guys talk about that I was not included?" Asked Nako while doing aegyo

"I just needed a confirmation about your future wife" I told Nako

"Ehhhh" screamed Nako still not processing the official engagement news


Hi ho

I updated a chapter 🎉 It's late at night and need to get up early but I wanted to update a chapter for you guys. Leave a comment and vote for this ff and thanks to all who have been reading this story.


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