2-The Caring One

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Eunbi's POV

The name is Kwon Eunbi, born and raised in the town of Violeta. It is weird that the island is called Rose yet a few towns and the capital are named after other flowers. My father may be the CEO of Woolim Entertainment however, I never grew up with my father only with my mother and little sister, Chaewon in this quaint town. This town of Violeta is known for its tourist spot by the beach. My father always told me that even though he is a very rich man, you should always give to those in need. That is why my father build this community centre for those in need, father would deliver fresh food and donated clothes from the capital for the town and other towns near by. Father never liked showing that he is wealthy, and he never gave me any allowances, I needed to own my own allowances. Until it was time for university, most universities are in the capital. And since Father told me that it would be preferable for me and Chaewon to attend a prestige university, I did not decline the offer since with that degree, I would be able to go work abroad. And so, I came to the capital wealthiest side and my father bought a house for me and Chaewon to stays at.

During the weekends, I would go back to my town, it was only like 2 hours by private jet. While, I was back in my town, I would do volunteering work for the elderly and younger generations. Sometimes the mayor of the town would greet me and ask to join him to visit the other towns nearby to help with their needs. Either to cheer up a few children in the hospitals or help with a community project, I was there to help.

When I was back in the city of Sunflower, wealthiest city in the Island, this city would be guarded 24/7 by bodyguards of wealthy businessman, business women, politicians, celebrities and even the royal family. This is where I attend university, since I could not go to the others due to my father having a huge reputation around the capital and at school. Wealthiest city or not, the people around here can be selfish, stubborn, crazy for money and the children are very spoiled like the royal daughter, Nako,.

At school, I was able to blend in yet from time to time I hated it being surrounded by young adults who would just go partying and get drunk. When I did not have any lectures during the day, I would go to the capital and other cities near by. Those cities would always have festivals and community project like a marathon to fight for the environment or to find a cure for illnesses and disease. I would also go to a few school to help younger children with their homework while doing also mines at the same time.

From time to time, I visited my father at work and did a few of his paper work when it was near due date. Many people have started to follow and tag me on social media.

"Are these flowers going over here or over there" I asked the wedding planner since I volunteer for a wedding event to help organize.

"Those ones goes over there, Thanks Eunbi!" Said the wedding planner

"No problem, what time does the reception start at? I asked while arranging the flowers.

"The reception starts at 7 pm and we have 2 more hours left to fully arranged this place for the guests and of course the newly weds." said the wedding planner while showing the caters where to go.

2 hours later

"Eunbi, you should stay, you are also a guest and thank you for helping with the decorations" said the bride
" I shouldn't, it is your special day and plus I have to leave early tomorrow to go back to Sunflower city." I said to the bride trying not to ruin her special day.

"Please just for a couple of hours and also I heard that you are leaving tomorrow evening. Your father was generous enough to send gifts and reserve this place for us." Said the bride while looking at me with puppy eyes making me feel guilty not staying since we are cousins.

"Just for you, I will stay longer but don't blame me if I end up drunk and hook up with someone the night of your wedding." I said while smirking

"Well, you are becoming popular with communities and the public for your generosity." she said while walking towards her husband.

"Eunbi! I hope you will be staying." Said the husband while taking his wife to the dance floor

"Don't worry your wife already persuaded me to stay." I said before they started doing their first dance as husband and wife.

The night passed by and many guests were now leaving and a few continued to celebrate with the newly weds most likely they were their close friends. As for me, I stayed by the bar to drink water since I had to drive back to my place. Don't want to get into any accidents.

"I feel like I know you" said a women seem likely drunk

"I don't think you know me" I said not looking at her while still facing the bartender

"OMG Eunbi-unnie!!!! What are you doing here!" Said Nako (I made Nako legal age to drink since all of iz*one members are in university)
I turned around and was surprised to see Nako-chan here right in front of me drunk

"Nako-chan, you are drunk and you should at least drink some water" I said with a concerned look since she was very drunk now and doesn't seem to have any control with what she is doing

"Hey unnie, I need to go now and take this person back to her place..." I told my cousin while she was thanking the guests who came.
"Oh you two know each other?" They both asked at the same time

"She is a friend and hoobae at uni" I told them both and asked them "Oh how does she know you two"

"My father is the princess godfather" told unnie's husband

"Oh so your father is the guardian of this spoiled princess" as I whispered to them

"I heard that Unnie!!!" Said Nako still tipsy from the numerous drink she had

" I think I should really accompany you to your place" as I lend a hand to her and told her guards to help me with her. "Well, congrats again unnie and see you soon after your honeymoon?"

"Of course Eunbi, I'll visit you sometime at Sunflower city  and also visit uncle too. Be safe on the way"

I waved goodbye to them as I carried the princess to my car. As I drive, the princess was already asleep as I look at the up to my mirror I saw that there was a few cars behind. Those for sure were the princess's guards.

As we arrived at the rest place of the princess. The guards helped me with bringing her to her room and I asked one of them to get a glass of water since for sure in the morning she will get a hangover.
We placed her on her bed and she was mumbling something but I couldn't understand anything she was saying. As she continued to mumble, the glass of water finally came.

"Here drink this before you fall asleep"
"Thank you Unnie!" Love you!" Said Nako while doing Nako Nako ni and smiling cutely
"Yeah Yeah.. I'll go now see you at school"
"Bye bye luv!"

For the first time after the accident that she is acting this way towards me, she is really different from her sober state. I left her place and went straight to the beach since I was staying at a beach house. When I arrived I noticed how beautiful the night was. I went inside to get a sprite and just enjoyed the view.

Next day

Ring Ring!
"Eunbi, you should check your social media accounts and the news headlines..."
"Why, appa is there something bad happening?" I went to check my phone and saw so many notifications of comments and a news headlines:

"Princess Nako gets escorted home by her fiancee"

"The Second Princess is engaged to Woolim's Entertainment oldest daughter"

"Newly engaged couple: Princess Nako and Woolim CEO's daughter, Kwon Eunbi"

"Royal Princess: Second wedding on its way"


Hiho here is chapter 2. Hope you guys liked it and sorry if it is mainly nako and Eunbi unnie for now. In the next chapter there'll be chaetomi, Hyeju and Annyeongz moments so please leave a comment, suggestion and don't forget to vote

Also, Happy birthday to Wonyoung and Yujin!!!! 🥳🥳🎉🎉🎂


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