23- Their Love

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Nako's POV

I rushed to Eunbi-unnie after that call, as I arrived at her beach house, I parked immediately and ran to find her.

"UNNIE!!!!" I shouted but there was no response near the house, I decided to shout her name again this time near the beach.

"Unnie, where are you?!?!!?!" I shouted louder so she can hear me.

"Nako!" screamed unnie but it wasn't loud enough for me to know her location

"Unnie scream louder so I can follow your voice"

"Nako over here near the cliff" unnie said

"Where I can't see you!" I shouted as I was at the cliff.

"Down here!"

"unnie... How did you fall down there?" I looked at Eunbi-unnie as she was holding her right ankle in pain and when I looked again the cliff wasn't that high but maybe during the fall she must have landed badly. I went down the cliff near the beach side which was just beside.

"I was walking around but then I saw a duckling that was about to fall and saved it but lost my balance and fell from the cliff and when I was about to stand I was in total pain and I needed help to go back to the beach house. When I pressed the emergency contacts on my phone you were the first one on the list... I must have forgotten to change it.." said Eunbi-unnie as she hissed in pain from her right ankle.

I couldn't give her a piggyback ride but I put unnie's left arm on my shoulder so she can stand up and not put too much weight on the injured ankle. We were walking slowly to the beach house it might have taken like 10 minutes instead of 5 minutes. As we walked, it was a silent walk, no one dared to talk and unnie kept on hissing in pain.

We finally reached the beach house and good thing that there was a room on the first floor, I lie down unnie on the bed and put a pillow under her right foot for support and then went to get the first aid kit for bandage and get some ice.

I came back and I just wrapped her ankle with the bandage and then put the ice on top of it. I also gave her medication for the pain. Unnie kept on looking at me as if she wanted to talk but couldn't. There was this tension in the air.

"Thanks Nako"

"No problem, I should call Chaewon-unnie to let her know about your injury and be here by your side" I replied to her

"Wait Nako ... Can't you stay? Just for the night and then you are on your way." begged Eunbi-unnie as she looked straight into my eyes.

I couldn't refuse her since I felt bad if I left her here since she can't walk properly. I went to the couch but unnie tapped the spot beside her on the bed and signalled me to sit by her side. She turned on the tv.

"What do you want to watch Nako? asked unnie

"Anything is fine, just not a horror movie. I'm going to get some food and sprite while you pick a movie" I told her as I then left the room and then texted Chaeyeon-unnie about Eunbi-unnie and me staying the night here. Since for sure Sakura nee has put her phone on vibrate so she doesn't get disturb during her game. However, these days she has been playing less, I wonder if Chaeyeon unnie scolded her again.

I came back to the room and Eunbi-unnie was rearranging herself as she leaned her back on the headboard of the bed. I went beside her with the tray of snacks and her sprite.

"Gomawo Nako"

"What movie are we watching?"


||A Desire to Love and Trust|| Eunbi x NakoWhere stories live. Discover now