17-Days of sadness

378 13 2

No one's POV

Breaking News: A private jet crashes in the middle of the ocean and officials are confirming that it was the plane of Princess Nako.

"Investigations are on there way to find anything they can salvage from the wreckage and confirm the death of Princess Nako, her Aunt Sasshihara Rino and the crew members."

"There has been suspicion that one of the engine was malfunctioning and the pilot did his best to land the plane but due to the strong impact and the fire that was spreading from the malfunction engine led to the death of everyone on the plane"

"Can you turn off the tv, please"politely asked Eunbi-unnie, whom came out from her and Nako's room. She was a mess, she had puffy eyes and very baggy clothes. Can't blame her since she was the most in shock from the news about Nako's death since the last time she saw her loved one was at the airport before she departed. It was the most hurtful time that next thing she knew, the love of her life end up passing away.

"Unnie you should go out and get some fresh air... It will be good for you"said Chaewon trying her best to console her unnie. she too was also in shock and sadden about Nako's passing but she knew that her unnie was in more pain since it the second accident that happened to Nako and this time it took her away for good.

The atmosphere in the house was very gloomy and depressing... Sakura has stayed in her gaming room and has not come out from it for a while. Chaeyeon would check on everyone in the house to see if they don't pass out from lack of eating and sleeping. The crash news was still unclear for everyone.. Hitomi stopped eating bread and just closed herself in and has not talked to anyone for a while even to her Chaewon-unnie. Chaewon would mostly comfort her Hitomi by being by her side and letting her cry on her shoulders.

When the news came out, Wonyoung and Yuri rushed to the Royal House to confirm about the news. And one by one the whole gang was there, they were also in shock and every much in sorrows as they lost someone dear to them.

Days passes and there was still not lead in this crash and they still have not discovered any bodies. The Royal members and families were now discussing the funeral for Nako. Yet, Eunbi-unnie still did not believe that her Nako is dead and believes that she is still alive, safe and sound. However, due to the prolongation of the investigation and there was no lead and no bodies. There was still hope that Nako is in fact alive.

In front of Nako's and Eunbi-unnie's room

Knock Knock


"Eunbi-unnie may I come in?"asked Sakura

"Yeah come in"

"Sorry to interrupt you so late at night..."

"Its fine I couldn't sleep anyways..."

"I know that you know that Nako is still alive"

"I don't know anymore Sakura... There has not been any confirmations until now and the case is just dragging longer and longer... I don't know if I can wait forever"

"I saw some of the pictures of the wreckages and let me tell you that it was not Nako's plane"

"But they said it was hers"

"The plane was similar yet from the pictures of one of the wings there was a slightly different features from the Royal private jet plane"

"Maybe but when I went to the airport it was the same plane as her regular ones"

"Believe me"

"its a 50/50"

"See. anyways I'll let you get some rest since tomorrow is her funeral"

"Good Night Sakura"

"Good Night Eunbi-unnie"

Few months later

As the investigation was not ending and seem like it was at a dead end. Eunbi-unnie decided that she should distant herself from all of them since she was the only one who was able to make Nako stay but instead she let her go. Also, if she continued to stay in the Royal house it will only remind her more about Nako and she will always feel guilty about it. Her love was no longer with them and now she let her go forever.

"Unnie you sure you want to leave?"asked Chaewon as her unnie was walking towards the main entrance door of the house.

"Chaewon what is the point of staying in this household if the only reason I was here in the first place was for Nako. Plus we weren't married so there is nothing I can do then just move on. I'll see you at work and anytime you want to meet up"said Eunbi-unnie has she gave a hug to her little sister.

"Yeah... see ya soon but always stay in contact with me please!"replied Chaewon while returning the hug to her unnie

"Of course"smiled Eunbi-unnie has she released the hug.

"Eunbi-unnie we will miss you in this house"said Hitomi and then went to hug her Eunbi-unnie

"You are always invite in this household"said Sakura 

"If you need anything, contact me Eunbi-unnie"replied Chaeyeon as she gave her a hug too and someone was giving death stare.

"Thanks for everything guys! Don't worry I'll come visit soon"responded Eunbi-unnie as she is now walking towards the car and put the remaining bag in the trunk. She then closed her trunk and looked back at the Royal house and all of them at the front door. Eunbi-unnie sighed as she recalled the memories with Nako.

"Bye unnie!!"everyone said as Eunbi-unnie entered her car and started to drive away, they waved at her and Eunbi-unnie did the same



Finally updated after 2 weeks of crazy finals... It is shorter since I wanted to make the upcoming chapters more longer... I know that this chapter is boring and most would just skim through it.... But please do leave a comment and a vote since it helps me know that this story isn't boring and uninteresting and to continue it without losing interest in writing it... If not I would have deleted it a long time ago...


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