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Eunbi's POV

"How's life?" asked Sian as she is seated across me of this meeting room waiting for the other staff member to discuss plans for a tour since after a few days the debut of the girl group was a bop and the mini album is number one in every charts.

"Tiresome and exhausting. Since I have to shuffle the company and royal duties at the same time" I replied to her before the staff was one by one entering the room

2 hours later

"That will be all. Thank you everyone. We'll have another meeting in a few days to confirm the tour and the budget."I said to all

"Sugohaesseoyo!!"everyone said to me as they left the room

"So, lunch? before you crumble up in your office"asked Sian to me as I was organizing the papers before going to my office.

"Yeah, sure why not its already lunch time anyways"


As Eunbi-unnie and Sian went out for lunch at a near by restaurant little did they know that a picture of them together was taken by an anonymous passer by.

In Nako's side

Nako's POV

"Busy fiancé again?"asked Miku

"Well it's a bit better these few days but she is still overloaded with work as for me I'm here planning the wedding"I sighed as I remember that me and Eunbi-unnie have become distant even if we had a week off together but it did not change that we both needed to come back to reality.

"Well, I'm sure that when you need her at your lowest point she will be there for you"

"Thanks Miku. So for the bouquet of flowers can it be a mix of roses, violets, and sunflower"

"A blooming bouquet"


"It matches the both of you"


After I was finished meeting up with Miku, I went directly home since there was no royal duties for me today. Thankful for this day off but sometimes I wished that Eunbi-unnie was there too.

At the Royal House

"Oh Nako-nee you are back early"said Hitomi while she was on the couch watching this variety show called "AKBingo".

"Yeah since it was a short meeting with Miku today couldn't do much since Eunbi-unnie wasn't there"

"Ah ok"

"Is Sakura-nee in her gaming room again? Doesn't she have like a banquet to go to and a meeting with the new Prime Minister?" I asked her since I heard a loud disappointment shout from upstairs. Seems like she lost again in whatever game she is playing.

"Apparently, something came up and so the banquet got postponed"replied Hii-chan

"Ah ok"

"LOOK Who is back!!!!"yelled Aunt Sasshi as she entered the living room

"Aunt Sasshi!!!"me and hii-chan exlaimed excited that aunt Sasshi is back

"What's with all the noise?"said Sakura-nee as she came down the stairs

"Sakura-nee, Aunt Sasshi is back!"exlaimed Hii-chan

"Oh Aunt Sasshi, Okaerinasai!"

"Tadaima! So where are your loved ones?"asked Sasshi

||A Desire to Love and Trust|| Eunbi x NakoWhere stories live. Discover now