7-A date

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No One's POV

It was the long weekend and so the newly engaged royal couple decided to hang out on this saturday afternoon. Well it was more Eunbi-unnie's decision since Nako just wanted to stay at home and binge watch her favourite drama.

At the amusement park

Arriving at the park, Eunbi-unnie and Nako were in disguised so that people won't recognized them.

"Nako which ride do you want to go first?"asked Eunbi-unnie.

It looked like Eunbi-unnie was more excited than Nako.

Nako doesn't really like big ride since she gets sick easily after one ride.

"We could go to a roller coaster first" said Nako
" and then to a Haunted Mansion" continued Eunbi-unnie

Nako didn't want to go to the Haunted Mansion. Since she gets scared easily but when Eunbi-unnie said it she was excited and didn't want to take away the fun she was having with her unnie.

At the Haunted Mansion

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" screamed Nako as she clings on Eunbi-unnie arm scared that something may pop out at any moment.

Nako screams again after a zombie pop out on her side.

"Unnie" Nako sobs at her Eunbi-unnie afraid from all this horror she was seeing

Nako continued to cry and Eunbi-unnie hugs her tight and says

"Taijobu Nako"

A few minutes later

"Aaaaaah Eunbi-unnie" screamed Nako as they saw a mannequin move and then Eunbi-unnie slaps the mannequin

"Bad mannequin don't just pop out like that" said Eunbi-unnie

Nako still in shock from the moved mannequin and then decided to grab Eunbi-unnie hand and walked as fast as possible to the exit of this Haunted Mansion since she could not take it anymore and she wanted it to be over.

At the end of the Haunted Mansion

After the horror that Nako went through, Eunbi-unnie decided to go to the arcade and win a prize for Nako. Since she felt guilty about dragging Nako to a Haunted Mansion. After playing numerous games to obtain a piglet. Eunbi-unnie finally got it and gave it to Nako.

"Here a piglet for you" said Eunbi-unnie

"Why a piglet Unnie?"questioned Nako

"Well #1 I'm Sorry for dragging you in the Haunted Mansion, #2 piglet is short and cute just like you and #3 "Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart" (quote from Winnie the Pooh)"

The two were seated on the bench until Nako's stomach started to growl

"Let's go eat, I know that you are hungry and it's my treat" said Eunbi-unnie

Nako nods and then intertwine her hand with Eunbi-unnie as they search for food.

After eating their salads since they are the diet couple whom always fails to manage their diet, but then it came to Eunbi-unnie that she should treat Nako for some ice cream.

"Nako which flavour you want"

"I want Mint-choco dan"

"One Mint-choco and one green tea please"

"That will be all?"

"Yes please" Eunbi-unnie gave Nako the ice creams and then went to pay.

"Gomawo Unnie"

After paying for the ice cream, the two went to sit on a bench and Eunbi-unnie let Nako try her green tea ice cream.

"Ahhh, Hmmm Oishi Unnie" said Nako cutely

Nako knows that Eunbi-unnie and her were very close to each other since she overheard her Sakura nee talk to Chaeyeon unnie. What she was mostly confused about was that she doesn't remember what caused her to be involved in a car accident and how she distanced herself with Eunbi-unnie. The day of the accident there must have been a something shocking to her. But she really could not remember.

In one of the Ferris Wheel's cart

"Unnie, do you think that I am a spoiled princess?"

"Well it depends"

"Yes or Yes? Unnie?"

"Uhm.... Yes, you are spoiled, but it doesn't mean that you will always be spoiled, every minute you spend with me changes you Nako, you don't go around in the house asking everything you want anymore. You rely less on your sisters and your mothers and its a good thing to embrace that change you are doing"

"I guess I should spend more time with you Unnie since I also saw a change in you too Unnie. You aren't negative to me anymore, you are more supportive of my choice and caring like you do to others. And I like it when you are supportive and caring to me" Nako said and smiled at her comment to Eunbi-unnie and then looked at the view of the city.

Eunbi-unnie looking at Nako whom is enjoying the view
Nako looks at Eunbi-unnie and then starts to blush

"I love you Nako-chan" said Eunbi-unnie while tucking Nako's hair behind her ears


"Ya Unnie don't shove the cotton candy in mouth"

"Ya Yuri you can't eat it yourself due to that giant ducky plushie that I got you"

"Yena-unnie isn't that Nako and Eunbi-unnie?"

"Ya you are right, omo! They're kissing!" Yena then takes a picture of the royal couple

"Ya are they more important than me?" Yuri asks stomping her feet while she walks ahead

"I just took the pic in case that Eunbi-unnie gets mad at me at least I can blackmail her"

"Yeah yeah"

"Yuri wait up, you haven't finished your cotton candy!"  Yelled Yena as she was trying to catch up to a hamster.

Back to Nakbi

"Nako I thought I heard Yena right now or is it just me?"

"I heard it too, but I don't see the duck."

"Uh, well we should go now its getting dark" both then went to Eunbi-unnie car and Eunbi-unnie opened the door for Nako.

"Gomawo, jagi"


"Don't want me to call you that, I can stop"

"No its fine, it just caught me by surprised, Jagi"

"Saranghae Jagi" Nako said as she seated in the front seat and then did the finger heart to Eunbi-unnie who went to the driver's seat.

Eunbi-unnie drove carefully to Nako's place. When arriving at Nako's place, she saw that Nako was fast asleep and to not wake her up she carried her in bridal style to her room.

"Tadaima" said Eunbi-unnie to Sakura and Chaeyeon whom were watching a movie.

"Okaeri Eunbi-unnie" both whispered as they saw that Nako was sleeping

"Ah Unnie Okaeri" Chaewon said as she was in the kitchen pouring herself a glass of water

"Nako is asleep so Good Night to you all" Eunbi-unnie said while trying to not wake up Nako as she was heading to their room.

"Night Unnie" all three said quietly.

Eunbi-unnie finally arrived to their room and she laid down Nako on the bed as she was still in a deep sleep and was looking angelic in her sleep. She then went to change in her pyjamas. After brushing her teeth, she immediately went beside Nako and cuddled her while both shared a blanket together.



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