20- For Better, For Worse

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Nako's POV

"what did you want to talk about, unnie?"

"Can you give me a bit of time before I move back here?"

"Yeah, if that's what you request."

"Thanks, we should go back downstairs, the others might be waiting."

"Yeah, I'll be there in a bit"


I didn't want to call out Sakura nee and Hiichan and so I texted them to come in my room.


Can you guys come quick to my room

Sakura nee: Why?

Hiichan: coming

Just come Sakura nee

Sakura nee:Fine

"So why did you call us in your room?"asked Sakura nee as she was piss that she had to paused her game in a middle of a fight

"I think that Eunbi-unnie and I will break up" I replied

"NANI!!!"both sisters exclaimed in shock upon hearing the 2 words

"She has been avoiding me lately and we haven't gone out for two weeks now since I came back" I explained to them why I think that Unnie will break up with me soon.

"Well she is still under a lot from your quarrel, to your fake death and you being alive this whole time"replied Hiichan

"Give her some time to get back on her feet and she will run back to you. I'm certain about that"also replied Sakura nee

Eunbi's POV

"Eunbi-unnie you okay?"asked Chaeyeon as she knew that something was in my mind


"I noticed that both you and Nako have been avoiding each other these past days... You can rely on me if there is something"

"Yeah Unnie trust us"said Chaewon as she went beside her unnie

I sigh

"I feel like all of these events that is happening is a sign that maybe Nako and I aren't meant for each other. It was already hard on our first fight but the fake death..."

"You should talk with Nako about it, Eunbi-unnie"

"Chaeyeon unnie is right you need to talk to each other before ending it without explanations"

"I will soon..."

"YO!!!" Shouted yujin as she entered the living room

"Why so gloomy Eunbi-unnie"asked Yena as she sat on the couch

"Eunbi-unnie is Nako in her room?" asked Yuri since she noticed that the Royal sisters weren't with the others.

"Yeah, she said that she will be down soon"said Eunbi-unnie

Few days Later

Rumours started to spread about Eunbi-unnie and Nako cancelling their engagement without any further informations to the truth.

Jagi ❤️

Nako, can you come to the Beach house


End of conversation

I was here on the patio looking out the ocean and waited for Nako to come. I felt heart was getting heavier as I remembered what this whole meeting up was for. I know that this talk will break both of us.

||A Desire to Love and Trust|| Eunbi x NakoWhere stories live. Discover now