3-The Big News

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Eunbi's POV

I kept on reading the headlines and comments about the engagement between me and Nako. I was still in shock about the news like I did not know what to do and what to feel. I kept thinking while still on the phone with my appa.

"I know the news is shocking but for now, you should stay there at the beach house until Tuesday. Journalists, bloggers and News crews may be waiting for you when you comeback to Sunflower city and right now is not the best time for you to go out in public" my appa said not answering to my question if the engagement was true

"how about school appa" I asked worried that I would missed too much lectures

"Don't worry Eunbi-ya... The school is allowing you to skip school and the professors said to borrow notes from student for the lectures since I told them about your circumstances. Good thing it only  for one day"

"Good thing I only have one class on Mondays" I told appa

"Rest for now and don't show much of your face if you go out to buy anything" appa said with a worry tone

"I'll be extra careful. I will also be inactive on my accounts so just call the beach house number"

"Be safe"


After the call with my appa and seeing the news this morning, I went to make some coffee and went to the patio of the beach house. Good thing nobody is around this place if not I would be so annoyed by the people surrounding me asking questions. I just look at the sea and enjoyed my coffee while it is still warm.

At Nako's place

Nako's POV

"Ehhh!" I said

" Please tell me that the news of my engagement with Eunbi-unnie is not true!"
everyone around remained silent

"Maybe it is just a gossip around the capital since you have been seen with Eunbi many times" said one of the guards and then I got a call from my oka-san, the Queen herself.

"Nako-chan how are you?" Asked Mayuyu oka-san

"Mayuyu oka-san, please tell me that the news of me and Eunbi-unnie isn't true" I asked

"Well... Me and Yukirin oka-san have to talk to you and Eunbi." told my oka-san

"So it is true then..."

"I will see you soon Nako, bye for now"

"Bye" I told Mayuyu oka-san and now I don't know what to do or feel anymore

Hitomi's POV

"Ne Chaewon unnie, why didn't you go to your cousin's wedding?" I asked

"Well for one I did promise you to go to the new bakery that opened last week and also my audition is nearing so I wanted to practice more" Chaewon unnie told me with a bright smile. I always had a crush on chaewon unnie but I'm too shy to confess and so right now she is my best friend whom I want to be more than just being friends.

"So Hitomi, have you heard the news about your sister and my sister's engagement, shocking right?" She asked while we entered the bakery

"I was shocked but maybe there is a reason to the engagement, remember Nako and Eunbi-unnie used to be super close and now they treat each other as to almost being strangers." I told Chaewon while grabbing a few melon-pan and breads.

||A Desire to Love and Trust|| Eunbi x NakoWhere stories live. Discover now