5-Nako's Birthday

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Nako's POV

After a few months after my Oka-sans made an agreement with me and Eunbi-unnie, it was soon to be my birthdday. I was starting to have mixed emotions, feeling excited, anxious and stressful. I did not know if Eunbi-unnie accepted the request of my oka-san or not.

At Iz*university

"Nako's birthday is coming up, what did your parents suggest for her birthday celebration hii-chan?" Asked Chaewon while feeding her bread

"They said that it would be better at our place since Nako doesn't want a huge celebration like last year with all the fireworks and party shows that were for kids. And also there won't be that much guests this year."

"Who will be invited Hii-chan?" Asked Yujin excited to get to eat the food and also to hang out more with Wonyoung since it is guarantee that Wonyoung will be at Nako's birthday

"Well, Chaeyeon unnie, Chaewon unnie, Yuri-chan and Wonyoung-chan will be there for sure"

"How about me?" Yena and Yujin both said at the same time with one having a duck face and the other a puppy face

"You both can come too!" Hii-chan said with a smile

"We should invite Minju and Hyewon too" said Chaewon happily

As Chaewon self invited Minju and Hyewon, three persons were jealous at the mention of the names.

Number one Jealous: Hitomi, jealous of Minju since Chaewon had a crush on her in high school.
Number two Jealous: Wonyoung, jealous also of Minju since Yujin used to flirt with her a lot
Number three Jealous: Yena, jealous of Hyewon for flirting with her Yuri

"Hyewon unnie is fine since she is good friends with Sakura unnie and also both of them play games but for Minju..." Hitomi didn't finish her sentence has Chaewon and Yujin cut her

"Minju should come, we need the pepe frog there too"

"Ya Hitomi does Sakura unnie still have her high score on fortnite unbeaten?" Asked Yena determined to beat Sakura unnie high score.

"I guess so, she has not played in a long time due to the wedding preparation and also Chaeyeon unnie gets mad when she plays too much and pulls an all nighter during the week. As for Minju I guess she could come since it is Nako's birthday after all" said Hitomi while still being jealous about Minju

"Nako, are you okay? You have been spacing out a lot these few days is it because your birthday coming soon?" Asked Yuri-chan

"Well why would she be nervous about her birthday, is there something important going to happen" told Chaewon unnie to Yuri-chan

"Maybe the truth about the royal engagement between her and Eunbi-unnie" told Wonyoung while giving a back hug to Yujin.

"I'm sorry guys but what were you saying?!?" I asked them with an I am lost in the conversation look.

"We were talking about how you were spacing out these days since your birthday is soon approaching."

No one's POV

As for Eunbi-unnie, during the few months before Nako's birthday she thought carefully about the engagement. Due to the agreement, Eunbi-unnie avoided Nako and everyone else making everyone suspicious about what was going on in her mind. To avoid further suspicion about the agreement, Eunbi-unnie decided to stay abroad for the time being and think about her decision.

While Eunbi-unnie was abroad she kept in contact with her dongsaeng, Chaewon

Unnie when are you coming back?
Miss you!!

I Miss you too Chaewon
but I still don't know when I will be back
You know with the agreement from the Queen 
and engagement with Nako

Unnie just follow your heart!
I'll be here for you
No matter what your decision is.
Saranghae unnie

Gomawo Chaewon
I'll call you soon bye

Bye Unnie call me

Royalty or not, Eunbi-unnie is under a huge amount of stress since she cannot make a decision. Two days before Nako's Birthday, there was still no sign about the whereabouts of Eunbi-unnie.

Nako's Birthday

Royal Family members and family friends were gathered around greeting Nako a happy birthday while Chaeyeon, Hitomi and Chaewon were helping in the mansion with the food and hosting the event.

In Sakura's gaming room

"Ya Yena stop missing your shot, our team is losing!" Said Sakura angered that her team is losing

"Ya you stupid! That one is our ally!" screamed Hyewon to Yena

"Ya We need to become one not only me! Unnies are so mean to me" said Yena whom became an angry duck

"I will beat all your high score and our team will win" said Yena determined to finally beat Sakura unnie

As for the others
Yuri, Minju and Annyeongz kept on eating as if they were doing a mukbang show

"Minju unnie! is it true that you and Hyewon unnie are a couple now?" Asked Yuri while eating some chicken skewers

Minju just nodded at Yuri's question since she was shy about it especially since the kiss between them.

"Waaa you lucky that the person you liked confessed to you already" said Yuri

"Yuri-unnie! Yena unnie still has not confess her feelings for you? Asked Wonyoung while eating her mint choco ice cream

"That duck is slow on confessing her feelings" said Yujin

"I'm sure she will tell you soon since now she doesn't have competition" said Chaewon as she came to check on her friends

"Don't worry Yuri-chan she will tell you soon or if not you tell her first" said Hitomi as she came after Chaewon

"You guys done with all the hosting and helping?" Asked Yuri

"Yup finished everything actually Chaeyeon unnie was the one who suggested that we enjoy ourselves instead of doing work" said Chaewon

"Waa she acts like a mother, no wonder Sakura unnie is well taken care of" said Yuri

"Oh Nako-ya!!" Said the Annyeongz at the same time

"Oh sorry guys if I haven't spent much time with you guys, had to talk with all the guests, its quite tiresome" told Nako looking tired like she did not sleep last night.

As the group was enjoying themselves and it was soon time for Nako to blow the cake, Nako felt the sight of someone behind her and when she turned around she saw Eunbi-unnie whom then went on one knee and smiled at Nako while holding a box and then opening it revealing a diamond ring and then she finally said the words she wanted to tell her.


"Princess Nako, Will you marry me?"



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