10-Family Trip Part 1

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No one's POV

At the Royal's house

After the movie night, the next day everyone was rushing to finish packing their luggages. One thing that made their guards surprised was that each person had two luggages each for a total of 12 luggages. One by one, they started to go to the van as they needed to be early since they were heading for the airport.

"Unnie, do you really need to bring your piglet plushie?" Shouted Chaewon from the car who sat beside a half asleep Hitomi, as she saw Eunbi-unnie approaching.

"Wae! Nako brought hers, why can't I bring mine" groaned Eunbi-unnie to her sister.

"Don't listen to her unnie, its cute that you also brought yours" Nako smiled at her unnie as she sat beside her in the van.

"Everyone! You all have your passport? Since there is no u-turn if you forgot anything, now's the time to check again and get it" told Chaeyeon with a motherly voice

"Hai eomma!"responded everyone to Chaeyeon except for Sakura

After a few minutes, they were finally heading for the airport. When arriving in the airport, there were many people such as journalists and fans waiting for the Royal Princesses.

"Princess Sakura, over here!"

"Chaeyeon you are so lucky"

"Nako so cute as always"

"Hitomi, I have some bread"

"Ya, isn't that Woolim CEO's daughters Eunbi-unnie and Chaewon?"

"Is Eunbi dating Princess Nako now since the Royal engagement rumour?"

"Don't they hate each other?"

"I really don't know"

Upon hearing the gossip from the fans as they entered the airport, Nako and Eunbi-unnie just looked at each other and continued to walk to the check-in baggages. Nako and Eunbi-unnie haven't announced yet to the public that they were engaged now since they wanted to take their time in this engagement and also they were in no rush to announce it.

Security around the airport was thigh since the three Royal Princess were there and also security guards were behind them watching closely since Queen Mayu didn't want anything to happen to them. As they were waiting for their private plane to get ready. Nako and Eunbi-unnie were seated while watching some youtube videos online. As for Chaekura, Sakura was taking a rest on Chaeyeon's shoulder since she did not get much sleep last night from playing her game until 3 am.

Ssambang were on food hunt around the airport after all it was morning and they did not have a proper breakfast. Most of them were finishing packing while the others were too excited that they changed multiple times their outfits to match the destination of their trip.

A couple minutes later

Ssambang returned with many snacks, drinks and meals for the others to also eat as they waited for others to come.

"Eunbi-unnie!"yelled Minju has she saw her unnie at the seats.

"Oh Minju you're here, where's Hyewon?"asked Eunbi-unnie

"I'm here Eunbi-unnie" responded Hyewon while she was holding many snacks in her arms.

"Where did you get all those snacks Hyewon-unnie?"asked Nako as she saw the couple

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