6-Wedding Day

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No one's POV

On tv " We are live now for the Royal wedding of the year which we all been waiting for, the wedding of Princess Sakura and Lee Chaeyeon. People are gathered all around the streets and also near the cathedral where the couple will hold their ceremony. As for the wedding ceremony, only a few close friends and family of the couple will be attending the ceremony. After the honeymoon both couple will take on the role of Queens as Queen Mayu and Queen Yuki will step down to let the new generation succeed their place."

At the cathedral

Welcome, family, friends and loved ones, we are joined here today on this beautiful day to share with Princess Sakura and Chaeyeon an important moment in their lives. The new beginning of a chapter as a married couple to love and cherish each other in bad times and good times.

Skip to the vows

"Jjaeyeon, the moment I saw you danced at the dance studio of our school, it was love at first sight. I could not stop staring at the graceful dance moves as you perfectly match to the music. Your freestyle dance always captivated me but not only did you noticed me staring at you but you also befriended me as if I was not a Princess but just this girl whom likes to play video games 24/7. Your kindness, careness and love for me made me fall more deeply in love with you. The women whom is nicknamed as feather chaeyeon will always be love by her Kkura."

"Kkura, Saranghae! I don't know how to start this but I'll do my best. When I first saw you, it was when I was practicing to Chungha's Snapping. You were by the door just staring at me with sparkles in your eyes like a kid in a candy shop. I couldn't help but smile at the reaction you made. It took a while for us to confess our love for each other since we were both shy confessing to each other.But what matters is that I knew from the moment you just stared at my dance that you were special to me. As special as I wanted to take care of you and be there for you at your lowest times. And thank you for giving 1000% love to me and I'll give you 1000% more love to you every day."

While the I Do's and exchange of rings were happening two maknaes were whispering about a duck.

"I wonder whom Yena unnie will marry?" Whispered Wonyoung

"Its Yuri of course" said Yujin

"I won't marry Yuri, I'll just date her" Yena says earning a smack from Yuri, Yena bewildered at Yuri for smacking her

"I now pronounce you wife and wife you may now kiss.

Cheers and applause were heard in the cathedral but also in the streets as the country celebrates the newly married royal couple of the year.

As for Nako she looked around  the cathedral searching for a special someone whom does not appear to be anywhere and not even with her sister, Chaewon.

Eunbi-Unnie on the other hand was already outside going to her car to go to the venue to help Hitomi with the incoming guest list for the venue even though it was only family, friends and loved ones the guest list was actually long with 148 guests.

At the Venue

After every guests had now entered the venue, the only remaining were the newly married couple.

Nako's POV

I was seated with the table of the newly weds with both my oka-sans and Hitomi. While Eunbi-unnie was in another table with Annyeongz, Yenyul, Hyeju and Chaewon unnie. When I looked at them, I saw that they kept teasing Eunbi-Unnie to do aegyo which was kawaii.

Later on during the celebration, I was starting to get bored and my Mayuyu Oka-San just kept talking to the newly weds.

No One's POV

After the main courses were done, Hitomi immediately went to Chaewon's table and kept Chaewon unnie busy for herself. That's because her Chaewon unnie keeps talking to Minju since Minju's girlfriend, Kwangbae is too busy eating all the food that is being served and asking for more food. You can't separate Kwangbae and food, it's impossible

As for Eunbi-unnie she is just listening to Annyeongz arguing about who is the tallest between them.

Due to the bickering of two giants, Eunbi couldn't take it anymore and went outside for some fresh air. As she was out in the patio, she felt like someone was behind and she was right.

"I wonder if you're vows to me will be that romantic" said Nako

"Well depends if you want it short like you then it will only be I Love You" said Eunbi-Unnie with a smirk

"Aish Unnie why bring up my height, you're the worst fiancee!" Nako said and ended up pouting at her unnie.

Eunbi couldn't take it anymore the cuteness of Nako and gave the smaller one a kiss on the forehead.


Flashback to Eunbi-unnie proposal to Nako

Nako's POV

"Princess Nako, will you marry me?" Asked Eunbi-unnie to me and I was shocked at the sudden proposal.

Eunbi-unnie was still on one knee waiting for my answer and everyone around was also waiting for my answer and I'm pretty sure that Sakura nee was taking a video of it. I nearly said no to Eunbi-unnie but when I remembered that the time after Mayuyu oka san told of the engagement agreement, Eunbi-unnie was barely seen at school and went abroad. I actually missed her, not having her being the leader of this group and also her complaining about me being a spoiled princess. But also the fact that I started having feeling for her without me knowing it.

"Yes, Eunbi-unnie" I said loudly and smiled to her. I saw that she was surprised to my answer but was happy and then she took the diamond ring from its box and placed on the ring finger of my left hand.

We both couldn't help but just smiled at each other and I felt has I was starting to blush from the teasing of everyone especially from Yujin and Yena-Unnie

"Waaah Eunbi-unnie is so bold" said Yujin

"Ya Nako you sure you want to marry this old lady?" Yena-unnie said and then earned a smack from Yuri

"Congratz you two" said Yuri

"Congratz Nako and Eunbi" both Sakura and Chaeyeon said at the same time

"Nako-unnie!!! Congratz on your engagement" said Wonyoung

"Congratz Eunbi-unnie and Nako-ya!! Can't wait to have you in the family Nako!!" Said Chaewon unnie with a smile

"Omedetou Nako-nee and Eunbi-Unnie" Hitomi said while eating bread

"Chukahae Nako-chan, Eunbi-unnie" said Hyeju

"Thank you all!!" Both Nako and Eunbi unnie said to everyone who greeted.

"Thank you for the surprised gift Eunbi-unnie" said Nako while hugging Eunbi-unnie


Another update!!! Waah I guess the 3rd Japan single released Vampire hyped me to write this chapter! Go stream their latest single. Leave a comment and a vote.



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