16-Heart Breaking News

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No One's POV

Nako was at the airport waiting for the private jet to be prepared and a few news reporters were doing a news conference with her before she leaves for her vacation time. The reporters started off with questions about her Royal duties, what she think about the numerous charities and event. They also asked her how the Royal family was whom was more responsible and what changes the Royal Family could do for the country. It was almost done until the reporter asked her love life with Eunbi-unnie.

"How long as it been since you and CEO's daughter Kwon Eunbi were a couple?"

"Well it was a weird thing since when we were children we were very close with each other yet after my accident we became distant with each other. We became a couple 3 years ago."

"What was special about your fiancé that made you say yes to her proposal?"

"I then just felt something when she proposed to me at my birthday that I knew that I wanted to spent the rest of my life with her. She may be always busy these days with her work but I love coming back home and seeing her even if she is very tired. Just seeing her makes me happy and I don't want that to go away and so this engagement and soon marriage between both of us changed me to see better the people around me. I trust that she will always give me unconditional love."

"It seems like both of you are truly in love and are meant for each other. Thank you Princess Nako for this interview and have a safe flight"

"Thank you"

After ending the news conference, it was time to board the plane. Nako looked back and sigh as she knew her unnie won't be coming for her.

Eunbi-unnie's POV

I drove as fast as possible to the airport and also tried not to get a speeding ticket. I finally arrived at the airport and rushed inside to find Nako's flight gate. When I reached her gate she was about to enter to board.


"Unnie...."she said hesitant to approach me as everyone around  was looking at the scene. She then turned her back at me and started walking.

"PLEASE Nako lets figure things out.. please..."I begged her.

"Unnie I forgive you for the mistakes but I need space to think properly about all this. It hurts more that the one person I wanted to tell all my problems and be my happiness is not there for me anymore. Its best if we distance ourselves and postpone the wedding"

She did not hesitate and then boarded her plane, in a second she was finally no longer in sight. Her plane was about to take off and I just stayed there broken in pieces from what I have done. Everyone was looking at me and I just looked down, ashamed about it and I'm certain it will be all over the news in a second.

I drove back to the house in silence as I recall the time that Nako asked me to be there with her when planning the wedding and the numerous charities and events I needed to be there. But I was not. I was so focused with work that she was not my priority when she should be.

As I arrived home and entered, Chaewon was sitting on the couch. When she saw me, she rushed to me and gave me a hug.

"She'll be back soon... In the meantime, take a break for a few days. I already told Appa that the company was draining you"

"Chaewon, she didn't even hesitate to walk away from me...." I sobbed to her as my tears were falling like crazy.

"Well, couples fight and this is a small fight...you need some time to think and also Nako did not say that the engagement was cancelled so she still loves you. You should watch her press interview it's clear that she won't let go of you that soon"said Chaewon but what did she mean by press interview?

"You haven't watch it yet... here you just need to replay it" she then handed me the remote of the tv and I played the interview.

"What was special about your fiancé that made you say yes?"

"I then just felt something when she proposed to me at my birthday that I knew that I wanted to spent the rest of my life with her. She may be always busy these days with her work but I love coming back home and seeing her even if she is very tired. Just seeing her makes me happy and I don't want that to go away and so this engagement and soon marriage between both of us changed me to see better the people around me. I trust that she will always give me unconditional love."

Unconditional love.... will she still love me the same way as her love for Twice? I should go to sleep and think about how to undo the mistakes.

The Next Morning

I woke with a huge headache and remembered that I drank last night... too much shots of tequilas.

I went downstairs and joined the others for breakfast.

"Ohayoo Eunbi-unnie"said Sakura to me while she was on her phone playing mario kart

"Ohayoo"I replied 

"Unnie, what's with the sunglasses? Were you crying a lot last night!"asked Chaeyeon as she placed a plate of breakfast in front of me.

"I was drinking last night and so the brightness of this room is blinding me" I said


"Ohayoo Eunbi-unnie!" Said Hii-chan to me seems like she had a better night then me.

"Unnie! did someone give you a black eye!?!"Chaewon gasped as she sat beside Hitomi.

"Where you getting the idea that I was in a fight" I replied to her. As I continued to eat my breakfast and giving her a death stare.

"You never know,  you might have wanted to let out a bit of steam"

"Yeah yeah"

We continued to eat our breakfast and Chaeyeon was discussing their plans of attending a music award show. The morning was noisy since the tv was on and we can hear it from the living room to the dining since Chaeyeon likes to have the early morning news on.

Good morning Isla Rosas! Here are your latest morning news

An accident last night on Highway 48 caused the death of two people, there is no details on how the accident occurred as the police are still investigating the scene. Traffic is still heavy this morning from the south on highway 46 connecting to the highway 48.

New greener buses might be the solution for the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions for the country.

This just in 

Breaking News: A private jet crashes in the middle of the ocean and officials are confirming that it was the plane of Princess Nako.



Hope you guys liked the update, it is shorter than the other chapters since I mostly wrote this chapter on my phone while in the bus and in traffic. Leave a comment and a vote. Arigatoo! 

Preview of next chapter: 

Upon hearing the news about Nako, Eunbi-unnie was the most in shock since the last time  she saw Nako was when she chased her at the airport . 


||A Desire to Love and Trust|| Eunbi x NakoWhere stories live. Discover now