12-Family Trip part 3

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While the others came back from their day tour and were relaxing in the house, Nakbi were preparing for their night.

Eunbi-unnie found this restaurant near the beach and reserved the whole place for her special dinner with Nako. She requested that the place to be decorated with many rose petals and of course had a gift for Nako. 

"Nako, you ready?"

"Yeah"replied Nako has she walked to the front door and was looking so beautiful that Eunbi-unnie couldn't stop staring at her. This is what Nako looked like

"Waa Nako so Fancy!!"shouted Yuri while tapping Yena's back since she choked on chips because of a bet with Hyewon, which was who can shove the most chips in their mouths

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"Waa Nako so Fancy!!"shouted Yuri while tapping Yena's back since she choked on chips because of a bet with Hyewon, which was who can shove the most chips in their mouths.

"Unnie you're drooling" said Chaewon as she passed by to get a can of sprite and some bread for Hii-chan

"No I'm not"responded Eunbi-unnie

"Anyways, the car is ready Nako, you can head first I just need to do something first"

"Hai"replied Nako and then went first to the car.

"Eunbi-unnie are you going on a business meeting with Nako-unnie" asked jokingly Yujin while cuddling to Wonyoung.

"Very funny Yujin!"replied Eunbi-unnie to the puppy

Since this is how Eunbi-unnie looked like

"Unnie here's your bouquet of roses and violets also, enjoy your night" sorta winked Sakura to Eunbi-unnie

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"Unnie here's your bouquet of roses and violets also, enjoy your night" sorta winked Sakura to Eunbi-unnie

"Enjoy your date! unnie"shouted Chaewon from her room

"Gomawo!! See you all tomorrow morning then"told Eunbi-unnie has she hurried to not make Nako wait for her.

Nako's POV

I was waiting for Eunbi-unnie in the car, when she finally came, she was holding a bouquet.

"For you, before we go to our dinner date"smiled Eunbi-unnie as she gave me the bouquet and to my surprised it was a mix of red roses and violets.

"Waa, they smell so good just like unnie, Arigatoo!" I smiled

As we were on our way to our dinner date, the ride was quiet. I have been having these nightmares every now and then about Eunbi-unnie leaving me for someone else. I haven't told anyone yet about it but I should tell her sooner than later.

At the restaurant

The restaurant was a quiet and small it was not a Michelin star restaurant. Yet, the restaurant looked romantic as it was a simple and elegant in the outside looking like any building in this town. The inside had a few tables and sits. It was very small yet it fitted with the town. Large mullioned windows, long embroidered curtains, dark walnut tables, and flowers on each table. The one table that stood up from the rest was at the centre. It had many rose petals around on the floor beside the table and was shaped into a heart. It was really cheesy what Eunbi-unnie did but I did like the effort she did to put this all together in a short matter of time. I'm sure she got a bit of help from the others.

Eunbi-unnie leads me to the small table, and she pulls out my chair. I then sit, and she went to sit across. The only light is from a few well placed candles. A waiter approached us and, without saying a word, pours champagne in our wine glasses and leaves the bottle. No menus. Eunbi-unnie has already ordered for us in advance. There was no interruptions from staff aside from bringing and clearing of the courses.

Eunbi-unnie watches as I sipped the champagne. I noticed her staring and started to blush. A shy smile slips out. Jagi smiles warmly back. I felt her eyes move over. From my eyes to my nose, cheeks, and lips. We continued on the staring game as neither of us wanted to look away

After the main courses were done, it was time for the dessert and of course I got Mint-choco cake while Eunbi-unnie enjoyed her chocolate cake. I was enjoying my dessert until Eunbi-unnie took out something for her pocket.

"Here, bought something for our monthsary"

"Unnie! You didn't have to add in on all of these" I opened the jewelry box and inside was a golden necklace that had her initial on it K.E.

"Happy Monthsary Nako!" Said Eunbi-unnie as she stood up from her chair and went on my side and took the necklace from the box and she puts it on me. Before going back to her chair, she kissed the back of my hand and smiled.


After the dinner, we went for a walk by the beach, kiss under the moon as we seated in the sand and then Eunbi-unnie surprised me again by dragging me to this small beach house that was cozy and warm.

"Eunbi-unnie this is a cute house"  I looked around the house while Eunbi-unnie stayed in the living room.

"It's ours"


"I bought it for the both of us since your mom told me about the resort house you had but since it was not near the beach front and so I decided to buy this one for us to our spend times by the beach."

I could not bear it anymore has I fell more in love with unnie. Eunbi-unnie kept on surprising me all night and I knew that tonight was the night I wanted to spent it together with her.

I went to Eunbi-unnie and grabbed her wrist and directed both of us to the master bedroom. When arriving in the room, I  shout the door behind Eunbi-unnie and then kabedon her to the door. I started to give kisses, first on the lips and bit her lower lip making Eunbi-unnie moaned at the sudden action. I moved on to her neck, and bit her neck leaving her with many hickeys as Eunbi-unnie moans more louder at every movement.

"Eunbi-ya, I can make you feel even better"

"Nako, you sure about this?" Eunbi murmurs as she was out of breath from the french kiss that I suddenly gave her.

"I want to do it with you tonight, Unnie!"as I responded as I kept caressing her and planted another kiss.

Eunbi-unnie then lifts me as we kept on kissing and laid me down on the bed. Eunbi-unnie was now on top.


The night was sweet as two people shared a beautiful night together for the first time, they did not want to leave each others embrace as the night was still young for this young couple.



So, update took a bit longer than expected, but it is here. For those who wanted a smut scene. I'm sorry but I'm leaving it to your imaginations since I'm really bad at writing smuts. Anyhow, please leave a comment and a vote. Next update will be more on the others... and also this may be the last sweet time for the moment between Nako and Eunbi-unnie. Since the title does say "A Desire to Love and Trust". So yup...


||A Desire to Love and Trust|| Eunbi x NakoWhere stories live. Discover now