8-The Accident

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Flashback to the day of Nako's car accident

Nako's pov

I was waiting for Eunbi-unnie by the park inside my car since it was a cold night and did not want to catch a cold while waiting for Eunbi-unnie. If Eunbi-unnie knew that I got a cold while waiting for her, she will get extremely mad.

While I waited for Eunbi-unnie, I suddenly saw her and so I went out the car to meet up with her. But I stop in my tracks as I saw someone behind her. Eunbi-unnie turned to her and they started talking to each other. I went closer to see who was the person and to my surprise it was Lee Sian.

"Sian what did you want to talk about?" Asked Eunbi-unnie impatient

"I know that this is sudden but I like you Eunbi, please be my girlfriend" said Sian and then Sian went close to Eunbi-unnie closing the gap between them and then she kissed her.

She kissed my Eunbi-unnie!

I saw that they were still kissing and I could not take it anymore and tears were now rolling down both of my cheeks.

My heart was aching and I was in pain. The person I love, loves someone else and its not me. I hurriedly went to my car and started driving.

As I was driving, my vision became blurry and I was starting to drift away since I continued to cry and even started to hyperventilate and next thing I knew there was this bright light right in front of me.


I was laying in the streets looking up at the stars and thought of Eunbi-unnie before closing my eyes. I wish that I was never close to her.

Eunbi-unnie POV of that night

I just finished an assignment with Sian and was heading to meet up with Nako. It was late and so I hurried to the park where we were going to meet up.

To my surprise, Sian was following me and I asked her why she was following me and then she said that she had something important to tell me. As we both I arrive at the park, I looked around to see if Nako arrived and she was still not here and Sian was still behind me. I turned around and faced her.

"Sian what did you want to talk about?" I asked impatient

"I know that this is sudden but I like you Eunbi, please be my girlfriend" said Sian and then Sian went close to me and closed the gap between us. I felt her lips touching mines. She was kissing me.

I was shocked by her action and immediately broke the kiss and looked at her and told her,

"Sian, I'm sorry but I like someone" I told her and I saw the disappointment in her eyes.

"Its fine, I can't force you to like me if you already have someone in your heart" said Sian

"I'm sure you will find someone who will love you and will care for you"

"Thanks, I should go home now, its getting late... See ya tomorrow"


I kept on waiting for Nako and started to get worry since when I texted her she was not replying and also was not answering her call.

Ring ring


"Eunbi-chan? Its Sakura"

"Princess Sakura how are you?"

"I'm good but you should come to the hospital, Nako got into an accident"

"What! I'll be there soon"

I rushed to the hospital where Nako was, please God Jihyo make that she is will be fine.

End of Flashback


Here is the flashback of what happened the night Nako got the accident...


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