9-Movie Night

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Nako's POV

Every year for our summer break, my family decides to go on a trip. This year's trip we are going to an island off the eastern coast of Spain which is Ibiza. The trip this year is special since both oka-sans decided that it would only be us three sisters with our loved ones. Since they have to finalized the papers so that Sakura nee and Chaeyeon unnie be the new Queens.

I'm pretty sure that they already finish finalizing the papers and they decide to go on a trip for themselves without us. Well can't blame them its been years since they had their time alone after having us three.

In the living room

"Hii-chan for the trip why don't we invite the others" said Chaewon

"I don't know tho if they could come" replied Hitomi

"I'm pretty sure that Yuri and Wonyoung are busy especially Wonyoung due to her summer practices" I told them while sitting on the couch with Eunbi-unnie beside me who is on her phone.

"Come to think of it I just mostly know Yuri and Wonyoung, I haven't properly met with the others of your group" recalled Chaeyeon unnie while bringing some snacks on the coffee table and went to sit beside Sakura nee

"I only know the duck and Hyewon" Sakura nee said while focused playing on her switch

"Her name is Yena-unnie, Sakura nee" corrected Hitomi who took some bread from the coffee table

"The ones you haven't met yet Chaekura are Yujin, and Hyeju." Mentioned Chaewon unnie

"Who's Hyeju?"as Chaekura were puzzled at the name

"Its Minjoo and Hyewon, in short Hyeju" explained Eunbi-unnie as she took a sprite and macarons

"Oh!" Both Chaekura exclaimed

"Well you guys should ask them first if they want to come with us" Chaeyeon unnie said with a motherly voice

"Hai" I nodded and Hitomi too

"So which movie should we watch" interrupted Chaewon as she feeds Hitomi with more bread.

While Ssambang were picking the movie and Chaeyeon unnie was busy trying to get Sakura nee to pay her attention. I asked Eunbi-unnie what she was doing with her phone.



"You keep checking your phone, can't you for just a minute turn off your phone?"

"Ah Sumimasen! Was my Nako lonely when I was focused on my phone?" Eunbi-unnie smirked at me, I just looked away.

"Hii-chan just pick randomly the movie"

"Hai Hai Nako nee"

"Yaaaaaaa I was winning that battle Jjayeon!! Give me back my switch, Jaebal!! Yeobo Jaebal!" Shouted Sakura nee.

"Its family movie night, enjoy it or if not I'm making you sleep in the other room for a month" yelled Chaeyeon unnie who was really angry now and Sakura nee just gasped at what Chaeyeon just said and sobbed like cat.

"Wa, daebak I never saw Chaeyeon-unnie like this before, married life changes people" commented Chaewon while pressing play on the remote for the movie to start.

"Nee Chaewon-unnie what movie did you pick?" Asked Hitomi

"Let me check, it says IT:Chapter one"

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