19 - Distance Between Us

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Minju's POV

"Oppa, is it true that you like me?"

"I have always loved you but you never looked me in the ey-"


"And CUT!!!"

"Alright everyone time for our lunch break before the intense scenes"shouted the director. I was starting to get hungry from the numerous take this scenes needed... And plus, I don't really like doing kissing scene...

"Good job out there Minju-sshi!"

"Gomawo Oppa"

cough cough


"I'll leave you two, see you later Minju-sshi"

"See ya Oppa"

"That was a very disgusting kiss scene"told Hyewon-unnie as she was still giving death glares to Oppa

"Let's just go out to eat, I'm hungry" I replied to her and took her hand and intertwined it and went to her car

"I think he likes you"blunted Unnie as she was driving to the restaurant

"He has a girlfriend and you know that" I answered to her since she always gets jealous easily

"Just warning you to keep your distance from that guy... Don't want him stealing you from me" as she whispers the last few words but I ended up hearing it

"What did you say at the end?" I asked teasingly so that I can see her embarrassed face


"I know that you said something.. I think from wha---"

"Fine! I don't want him stealing you from me! You are mine and I am yours" claimed Hyewonnie

"Awww" I blushed at her response. She then grabbed my left hand and kissed it while driving.

"Now off to the buffet!"exclaimed Hyewon, I'm pretty sure there was this special lunch menu and she wanted to get it first like always.

"Oh later we are going to the Royal house for movie night, Chaeyeon-unnie just texted me"


Yuri's POV

Yena unnie and I are on the way to the supermarket to buy food and drinks for movie night at the Royal's house since the event of Nako's fake death, all 12 of us decided that every Friday night we get together.

We finally arrived to the supermarket and we went straight to the snacks aisle.

"Yena Unnie, how about we get these chips" I pointed the Ketchup flavoured chips since I have never tried them before. It was a new flavour that I have never seen before only today.

"Why not this one Yuri-ya!" Yena unnie points at the Pizza flavoured Pringles

"I want this one unnie"


"What else should we buy for movie night?"

"Drinks, and a cake. For the food I'm sure that Chaeyeon will be cooking something fancy or we can just order some food"

"Unnie, look they are selling rubber duckies!!"

"YA!"shouted Unnie and then intertwined my hand and we went straight to the cashier to pay for the food. Little did unnie know I was blushing really hard.

Wonyoung's POV

"Wonyoung can you move a bit on the left"

I then moved a bit on the left just as the photographer said. Then a few shots here and there and then I was done for the day.


I bowed to all the staff members and the photographer and went to search for Yujin unnie since we had a photoshoot at the same place. She should be somewhere in the building. As I went downstairs and found her. I noticed that she was flirting with these other model.

"Ehm Ehm"

"Wonyoungie!! You done with your photoshoot?"

"Just now. You?"

"Still have a few more to do and then we can head out"

I waited for Yujin unnie to finish her photoshoot as I kept looking at the two, Yujin doesn't stop flirting with that damn model. The problem with dating Ahn Yujin is that she is the biggest flirt and she doesn't stop because of her prince like looks and manners.

Eunbi's POV

I finished my work earlier and was in the car waiting for Chaewon since she was still in the building doing last minute checks before the weekend. I'm still living in the beach house since from the fight me and Nako had and the fake death, we wanted to slow things a bit for the moment since it was a long period that we were apart. I'm also rethink if I should continue on with this relationship or need to break it. The fake death of Nako as me thinking a lot these days and the fact that I almost lost her twice. I don't know what I should do.

"Unnie, why the long face?"

"Oh Chaewon how long have you been here?"

"Just now, you seem to have a lot going on in there"she said as she pointed to my head

"It's nothing"

"You sure?"

"Yeah don't worry about it. Let's go now since the rest are waiting for us"

"Let's get it!"

Nako's POV

"at what time are they coming" asked Chaeyeon unnie as she and Sakura-nee just came back from a gaming event in which Sakura-nee was a surprised vip guest.

"at 7" I replied as I was sitting on the couch while reading my schedule for the upcoming days of stress.

"oh ok, I'll start preparing the food then"

"Can't you just leave the food preparation for the maids and our chef?"asked Sakura nee

"I want to help Kurra"

"You always help... relax for today with me. please" Sakura nee pouted and hugged Chaeyeon. I think it is that time of the month and she wants a lot of attention.

"Fine, Nako-chan  just call us when everyone is here."

"hai hai"

A few minutes later

"Tadaima!" said Chaewon unnie as she entered the living room with Jagi behind.


"Nako-chan is hiichan in her room?"

"She went out to buy some bread, she will be back soon"

"ok thanks"replied Chaewon unnie as she went straight to her and hiichan's room. I then looked at Jagi expecting a hug or kiss but she just stood there as if something was bothering her.

"you okay Jagi?"


"you sure?"

"yeah, just tired"


"Actually Nako can we talk?"

"yeah sure" I replied to her nervous that it most be serious. We went up to my room



Happy New Year!!!!!!

I was supposed to post this on Christmas day but forgot and also was off for vacations. Now I'm back and will update as much as possible chapters before my winter semester starts. Don't forget to leave a comment and a vote. Thank you!


||A Desire to Love and Trust|| Eunbi x NakoWhere stories live. Discover now