01: The Tale

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A/N: rewriting some of the chapters due to changes in my writing style

"And then the True Alpha rose from the fire... his paws shaking the floor we walk on, the flames stepping aside to let the beast walk. His fur was black as the night sky above, in it your eyes could get lost for days. His eyes red as the blood that runs through our veins, yet, his only mimic the colour he so happily spreads when he arrives in town. His fangs sharper than the knifes, shined brightly under the moonlight, making even the bravest of us cower in fear. The fire under his feet did not bother him, instead, he used it as carpet, as a path to lead him out of the pit. His claws long and huge, scratched the ground as he walked, preparing to slowly sink them inside a body of his choice. Surrounding the fire, a crowd of people trembled in fear, clutching onto their family and friends for dear life. They understood that this was not a common of wolves. No, they knew that whatever laid ahead of them, whatever that wolf was going to cause on them, it would destroy their whole being to the bones. The wolf seemed to smirk, tauntingly showing his fangs to the terrified people, anxiously waiting to be fed. As his eyes scanned the area, he spotted a little child clinging to his mother's legs. Not even then, could the moon goddess save the child from the wrath of the predator. A silence echoed in the forest during a quiet night, one like this... With no breeze, no sound, no life... Engulfed in their quiet and numb fear, they waited for the True Alpha to jump. They waited for death to clash against them, rip them of all of their senses. Like death, the True Alpha did not move, just stared"

She stopped talking and looked around, scanning the attentive listeners of her story. Her eyes fixated on each of the kids sitting around the bonfire, each holding on to the friend sitting next to them for protection, others hiding their face in their hands, as if the True Alpha was right there in front of them. They all knew how the story ended.

"The wolf jumped, for moments, his figure blending with the one of the full moon above – unable to distinguish which one was which. He fell from the sky like a comet, shaking the ground, trembling the trees, cracking the center of the Universe in two. His claws, in a flash, a blink of an eye, stole the kid from his mother's arms. He kicked and screamed, tears falling from his eyes as he reached his arms, wanting to go back to the safety of his mother's warmth. The mother fell on the ground, defeated, fat desperate tears rolled down her cheeks; her voice a mixture of sobs and whines and screams of agony. She begged at the Moon Goddess with a broken soul: Kill this beast, don't let him take my son. It was all in vain. Worthless. Useless. The moon goddess could not stop the death that her creation caused, she had no control over him – no one had. In the next second, the True Alpha opened his mouth as wide as he could, and laughing softly, he swallowed the kid whole. The poor boy was lost in his stomach, devoured of all his senses. Nothing of him was left for her mother to cry to, to hold on to, to remember him. All that was left was pain. A big toothy smile grew on the beast's face, filled with glee and satisfaction. He licked his lips, a content sigh falling from his lips. But he was not done. His hunger was endless, and no matter how much he killed.... he'd never be satisfied enough to leave. He walked closer to the crowd, already tasting his next meal in his mouth. At the speed of light, his arm reached out to grab another kid and his voice, deep as the pits of hell, resonated in the air – making the once tall trees cower in fea-"


The kids jumped from their seats, screaming and crying for their mothers as they held onto each other. A male was standing behind them, clutching onto his belly as he laughed. When they turned around and saw who was the "monster", they all rolled their eyes and whined at him for the thousand time that week. The girl watched this all from afar, a small twinkle of joy in her eyes as the children actively played with each other.

"C'mon kids. Let's end here tonight" Her voice was covered in honey, calming the nature and everything that existed around her. Even the wild seas fell in love with her presence. "Let's all say goodnight to Alec and to each other and head home. It's getting late, already"

The True Alpha // jjkWhere stories live. Discover now