35: The road that lies ahead

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A/N: rewritten due to changes in writing style

The older male that had guided him throughout the journey had finally stopped after what had felt like hours walking mindlessly through the forest.

"We're here, kid"

The voice was rough and low, yet, it was the words that came out of his mouth that startled Minki. He looked at the man confused. They were still deep in the forest and he couldn't spot anything that slightly resembled a pack. Noticing the disorientated boy, the old man softly laughed as he patted Minki's back.

"I'm dropping you a bit farther from the pack for safety measures. You can find their pack just at the end of this path"

Minki's guide added while he pointed at the dirt road both of them had been walking on, for a while. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he nodded his head and started walking as he had been instructed.

"Hey!" The guide called out for him, making Minki turn around, so as to glance at him "We all want this to work but remember to be safe. Remember who we are dealing with... Goodluck"

Without any more words or even a slight nod of his head, Minki continued on walking down the dirt road; his thoughts tangled with each other, making them unreadable and messy. Furiously, his heart was beat in his chest, following, blindly and naively, the rhythm sound of dread. He couldn't help but think how dangerous his task was. It was, already, a dangerous task in itself – entering enemy's grounds – the fact that the enemy happened to be the most ruthless wolf he had ever heard about, only came to add more danger to it. The simple thought of that wolf made his bones shiver tremendously, like it did to anyone who had a body and a heart.

When he was fully enlightened about his mission, every single cell in his body told him not to go through with it. His pack wasn't worth giving his life for. Why would he die just to repay the dead? It was ridiculous. Despite knowing he would never have the courage to do it, Minki was certain that his Alpha would. He was confident, Jungkook would risk everything for his pack. Many times he had proved that to him.

That little detail was all that Minki needed to say "yes". Ever since that day that he was brought into the pack and stood face to face with Jungkook, he admired him. At the beginning, he refused to believe Jungkook was the wolf from the tale. He tried to swallow his admiration in, too in shock to actually believe a wolf like him existed – he needed proof. Therefore, it was no surprise to him or to Jungkook, when he decided to challenge the Alpha in front of the pack. He learned the veracity of the tale in a harsh, yet, glorious way. That was the day he promised to become like Jungkook. To become all those things, he was: to be brave, strong, kind, admirable. All those things that made Jungkook the best Alpha he had ever known.

And so, Minki had accepted the terrifying mission. By succeeding, he hoped to make Jungkook proud and contribute to the pack's wellbeing. He wanted to be the hero, although, he didn't comprehend how painful it is to be one and above all, to become one, stay one.

Derailing from his thoughts, Minki's mouth hanged open in shock at the sight. In front of him was a tall grey stone wall that seemed to circle around the pack. He had never seen something like that, such a terrifying and intimidating structure.

"You over there!"

An angry voice called out for him. Raising his head slowly, Minki noticed someone standing at the top of the grey stone fortification. He was still too in shock at the immensity of the structure to speak. Afterall, he hadn't really prepared his lines. His heart skipped a beat, upon hearing the big wooden doors opening. With wobbly legs, he took a step forward. Standing at the entrance of the fortification was now the man that had once stood above it. He looked at Minki up and down, inspecting every single aspect about him.

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