10: Warmth

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A/N: rewritten

Hani woke up slowly and gently, her own body awakening her from sleep. It was truly one of the best feelings in the world: to feel sleep delicately leave your body, without no rush or pressure. Her whole body was covered with coziness and relaxation, as she opened her eyes. The room was dark, only a small part of the window was open allowing the gentle breeze to twirl inside the room. Only the moon lit up the room, hiding under the white curtains who weaved side to side. Hani scanned around the room confused, noticing her mate wasn't anywhere to be found. Despite the blanket that covered her body, Hani felt a shiver run down her spine, making her curl herself under the fabric. She was certain that she had fell asleep next to him. Lullabied by his soft breathing and the warmth that eradiated from his body. With the intent of finding him, Hani got up. The floor was cold under her bare feet and, at the slight touch, immediately she rethought her decision. Still, she got up. Tiptoeing through the house that was unfamiliar to her, she wandered around in search of Jungkook. Suddenly, her ears caught the sound of a door closing, and her feet rushed to go down the stairs. She was only a step away from entering the living room when she noticed a figure in the kitchen. The cabin was receiving warmth from the fireplace who, was also, the only source of light in the living room. An excited smile blossomed on Hani's face while she walked into the kitchen. Jungkook was taking all sorts of vegetables and fruits from brown paper bags. Sneakily, she wrapped her arms around his torso, leaving a cheeky kiss on his nape. Turning around with a bright smile on his face, Jungkook dropped the fruits and vegetables. Instead, he wrapped his arms around the girl, pulling her closer to his chest and pressing a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

"Did you sleep well?"

Jungkook asked softly, hugging his mate close to his chest as he gently swung them side to side.

"I did" Hani replied, closing her eyes to fully enjoy the sweet filled moment that they were sharing. "but I really didn't enjoy waking up by myself"

A clear whine fell from Hani's lips, the girl was surprised at how clingy she suddenly sounded. The more she spent time with Jungkook, the more attached she became; the more she felt her heart melting to the simplest of things he did. The Alpha giggled while he teasingly left a kiss on her neck, brushing his lips against her skin, just to tease her a little more.

"I'm sorry" Jungkook chuckled and pulled his body apart from her, so that he could show her what he had been up to while she slept. "I figured you'd be hungry when you woke up. So, I went and did some grocery shopping"

"Jungkook, you literally bought food to last us for 2 years"

Hani laughed childishly at how Jungkook widened his eyes in realization. His eyes scanned the food he had brought once more and quickly smiled at her, already knowing what to reply.

"Well..." Jungkook smirked at her, leaving little butterfly kisses on her neck. "You're not leaving anytime soon, so..."

Rolling her eyes, Hani freed her body from Jungkook's grasp. Even as she scanned through the fruit, smiling in disbelief at how cute Jungkook could be; even then, she could feel the indignation coming from Jungkook's voice.

"Hey!" Hani laughed at her mate's playful shout. "Don't roll your eyes at me, missy. I'm your mate."

Giving in to her mate's attempt to get her attention, Hani turned around. Raising her eyebrow, the girl leaned her body on the kitchen island and shrugged her shoulders. A shriek left her mouth once she felt her body being lifted up from the floor. Effortlessly and with a smirk on his face, Jungkook picked Hani up, leading them towards the kitchen island. Hani was holding onto him like a koala, with her arms and legs wrapped around his body. Laughing softly, he put her down on top of the structure, placing himself in the middle of her legs as he did so. His eyes twinkled decorated with mischief and teasingly he played with hers who carried the same glow in them. He leaned in, wanting to steal a kiss from her lips, yet, the girl leaned backwards, clearly enjoying teasing the Alpha. A smile took over his lips, it was not playful, though. It was filled with confidence and an aura of dominance glowed from his posture. Hani's heart could feel the emotions already bubbling inside her; the growing anticipation that turned time into longer than it really was. Tenderly, Jungkook squished her cheeks with his hand while the other, grabbed her hips and carefully pulled her closer to his chest. Violently his lips crashed on hers, hungry and eager to taste her. They moved in sync, trapping one another rapidly and furiously. Hani could feel Jungkook's heavy breath fanning on her skin, raising little goosebumps and fueling the increasing flame that lived inside her heart. Boldly, his hands travelled down her body, trailing down each of her curves until they stopped at her thighs. Surprise and shock washed over her as she felt Jungkook harshly grip them. She detached her lips from him, a gentle moan leaving her lips once the Alpha applied more pressure on his grasp. The girl's body was losing its energies at the image of Jungkook wickedly licking her bottom lip. Breathlessly she let him in and her whole body lit up in flames, an overwhelming unfamiliar warmth coated her body like honey. It was electrifying the feeling of the heated kiss but it all stopped, abruptly and annoyingly, when Jungkook pulled his lips away from hers. All of him had left her, not even his hands touched her thighs anymore. Hani stared at him confused, her lips burned and shook desperate for his. Yet, no time was given for the girl to understand what was happening. In a swift move, Jungkook pulled himself up to join her on top of the kitchen island. As if knowing what to do, her body slowly fell while Jungkook came closer and closer to her. The material was cold under her and Hani's back arched, her chest gently rubbing on Jungkook's. He stared at her dangerously, the same way a predator does to his prey; carefully watching every move, plotting, to the smallest detail, how to attack. Deliciously, the Alpha took his time, bathing on the sight of his heavy breathing, almost begging, mate. With his hands on the side of her head, Jungkook placed himself in the middle of her legs, smugly smiling at her. What started by being a teasing peck on her neck, turned into a passionate overflowing of open mouth kisses; his tongue and lips working together to send the girl into highs, she never thought she could reach. A new feeling was washing onto the girl, making her grasp Jungkook's hair for some sort of support. A wetness was pooling in the middle of her legs and a sound violently tried to break out of her mouth. She tried to keep it down – locking it at the pit of her stomach – but as Jungkook sinfully bit her skin, a loud mouth dripped from her lips. Filled with honey, drifting like silk, poured down Jungkook's ears like a sin. Hani's heart and body vibrated in harmony with the growl that echoed through the air. The girl was enchanted by the sound and a desperate need of hearing it again dominated her actions. Her legs harshly pressed him against her, wanting to feel even more and more and more of him. The Alpha looked at her through his eyelashes, never once stopping the works he was doing on her neck. His eyes were red and covered in lust that drove Hani's heart into a whirlwind of burning emotions. Jungkook lowered his body, smiling as he did so, until their chests were connected to one another.

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