18: Mark (18+)

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A/N: Rewritten due to changes in writing style. The following chapter contains  explicit sexual content, read at your own risk

"Now, c'mon" Amusedly, Hoseok shouted as he walked with his arms tightly wrapped around Lina's waist. "You have to admit it, our Luna stole the show tonight!"

The group was heading back to their respective homes, since the ceremony had ended. It was late in the night; the event had continued long after Hani and Jungkook's speech, long after the food was gone. The day of work that would be awaiting them the next morning, was the only reason why they left; had it not been for it, and most likely the pack would have stayed up the whole night celebrating. The sky above them shone just as brightly as it did when Hani and Jungkook stepped outside, hours before. Hani felt like an eternity had gone by, when in reality, it had been just hours. Yet, somehow, it felt distant to her, as if they were a lost memory, she couldn't retrieve or a weird dream she couldn't understand. Perhaps, looking back made her realize that she had nothing to fear; so, to her, now, those moments were nothing more than a childish illusion of hers.

"I agree" Jin chimed in, to which the Alpha, amused by the conversation, chuckled softly to. "Our Luna has made quite the entrance."

"Yeah, she did" Smiling, Jungkook pulled Hani closer to his chest. Their cabin was just behind them, the night was coming to an end for all of them. "It's been a rough day for all of us, especially to our Luna. So, let's all get some rest"

The mates thanked the group for coming and right there, in front of their house, they said their goodbyes and farewells. From that same spot, they observed the group disappear in the distance, one by one their parted their ways. Tenderly, the girl smiled as she peered at them, feeling how light her heart had become; seeing how close the group was, how lovingly and kind they were, truly was beautiful. Hani became attached, really attached to them, despite the short time they were in each other's lives. And she was certain, that with its due time, that affection she had for them, would grow and grow and grow.

"Hey, let's go inside" The Alpha called out for her sweetly. His hot breath grazed past the girl's exposed shoulder, triggering wild goosebumps that ran over her skin. "It's getting cold."

The contrast between Jungkook's breathing and Hani's skin, made the girl realize just how cold the night had gotten. Winter was, day by day, settling more and more in the pack; freezing the wind, darkening the skies. She nodded her head and gently, Jungkook grabbed her hand, guiding her to the house. Hani was shivering, yet, as soon as she stepped inside, her body relaxed melting into the warmth that coated the cabin.

"I'm going to take a shower, okay?"

Hani stated, tenderly caressing Jungkook's back as to grab his attention from the stack of papers that were placed on top of the table. The Alpha turned around and smiling, he pressed a small kiss to her cheek, before saying.

"Yeah, go ahead. I need to check these first, anyways"

So, the mates separated their ways there, although not for long. Hani walked into the bathroom that was drowning in a mess of face products that were sprawled all over the place. Sighing, her shoulders slumped at the mess but, first, she decided to take off her shoes. Her feet were killing her. All that time that she had spent greeting members of the pack, talking, walking from one side to the other on those heels, had really, really tortured her feet. With her hands on her hips, the girl scanned the room while she decided where to start cleaning the place. Eventually, everything was organized and finally, Hani could prepare herself for the shower that she, desperately, wanted. However, as her toes touched the water, a sudden thought popped up in her head. Quickly, she turned around and analyzed the bathroom, searching with her eyes for her clothes. There weren't there and confused, Hani wondered if she had left them in the room. Defeated, she wrapped the towel around her naked body. Her bare feet tapped the wooden floor and her walk towards the room was careless. She believed Jungkook was still downstairs going over the papers, so, freely she strode into the room; immediately, she started opening and closing drawers. Hani was so absorbed in the action that she failed to notice the presence that sneakily, had entered the room. Yet, the feeling of Jungkook's body, slowly, gluing itself to hers, caused her head to raise, her eyes to widen gently in surprise.

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