08: Choice

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A/N: rewritten

Hani didn't know for how long they all stood like that... in complete shock and silence. It took three words, three simple words to shake everyone in that room to the core. Three words to make the world stop spinning, the air stop flowing, even, their hearts stop beating – stuck in the Alpha's aura. Even time had submitted itself to him, ceasing from running and instead, froze, admiring the wolf whose world rested on the palm of his hands. Hani was realizing, for the first time, that she wasn't mated to an ordinary wolf. Jungkook wasn't and could never be an ordinary Alpha. He was so much more, so much bigger and powerful than what anyone imagined. Hani had many things to learn and understand about him. After all, she didn't know him for that long. Her shock, therefore, didn't came as a surprise to her. It didn't mean that she didn't trust him or that she was going to stop now that she had seen him like that. It was a different side of him, one that was foreign to her and intimidated her. All that Hani had seen was his soft messy looks, how simple of a guy he was, how gentle and loving. Yet, at that moment, the simple soft guy stood as the Alpha, the one everyone talked about. The one people spread stories about, as if he was a myth or a legend; something unexplainable and indescribable. It was impossible to not feel your legs quiver under such power, to not feel your breath getting caught in your throat in the presence of the electricity in his voice. Slowly, as if a curtain was being ripped from her eyes, Hani was starting to understand how special Jungkook was. That not everything in the tale was an exaggeration or a lie. Some things were true, like the power that flood the room with just his presence.

"You litt-"

Hani's father was ready to march towards Jungkook again, but his body stopped once he saw Jungkook ignoring him and turning around to face her. The angry glare in his eyes washed away, being replaced by one of confusion. When Jungkook's eyes met Hani's, they were no longer blood red and vibrant. They were soft, cozy and warm, lullabying the girl into a comforting calm and reassurance. Even his voice, once powerful enough to stop the universe, was soft, sweet and tender.

"Are you sure you want to leave?"

Hani didn't want to leave on those terms. She didn't want to leave because she had no other choice. Hani wished the choice was based on either she wanted or not to go with Jungkook. She wished this choice, wasn't a decision being forced out of her. As she gazed at her father once more, over Jungkook's shoulders, Hani was reminded of how strongly her father was against her happiness. Hani felt like she had no other option but to leave. If she wanted to be happy and be in charge of her own life, she had to go. There was uncertainty in her choices, reluctance in her decision. Hani, truly, wanted to be with Jungkook, but she couldn't help but wonder if it was the right decision or not. Everything was moving so fast with them and everything was so new to her. Moving into Jungkook's pack was a sudden decision that scared Hani. She'd come into his pack as a Luna, a Luna to the True Alpha. Surely, a lot of responsibility rested on that title. Was she up for it? Could she rise up to the challenge? Still, Hani's mind delighted her with scenarios impossible to resist. Waking up next to him every morning, watch his eyelashes flutter open gently. To be able to twirl his messy hair in her fingers and listen to him tell her about his dreams. It sounded deliciously good, sweet, heaven on earth. All Hani had to do was say "yes" right now, to him.

Hani took a deep breath, a long and trembling one. Her hands grabbed his and their eyes locked. Jungkook's eyes twinkled gently, lovingly, as if begging the girl to go with him. Hani was succumbing to him, to her selfish inner desires. The hesitance and doubt vanished from her mind, for those brief lingering seconds she was dwelling in Jungkook's eyes. Hani knew what her decision was – what the right decision was for her. She chose happiness, her happiness; no matter how selfish and childish that made her look in front of her father. The words her mother used to tell her, clouded her mind, reassuring her nervous heart. That there are times in which we must move on. We must grow wings and leave. Find another place to grow, to build our nest. That leaving is never a permanent action, something always remains with us – the memories and people of that place.

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