07: Take a Stand

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It was a sleepless night.

After being separated from Jungkook, Hani went back home. Retracing her steps, the girl went back to bed, eager to doze off and get some sleep. Sleep, however, refused to reach her. With her head laid down on her pillow, Hani's mind ran in circles. It kept on creating different scenarios in her head. Different possibilities and outcomes to the conversation her father and Jungkook would have. The girl sweat with fear and nervousness for the events that would unfold in the next day. In her dimly lit room, barely illuminated by the sleepy sunrays, Hani's heart beat anxiously in her chest. She feared for Jungkook, for her father, for herself. A part of her was sure that things weren't going to end up well that, certainly, someone would get hurt. Still, she couldn't help but clutch to that small hint of naivety that still lingered inside of her. That childish imagination of her, in which everything was settled and her father understood her desires. Something like that was unlikely to happen and, at the end of the day, the decision of leaving or staying, was up to Hani solely. It was bitter, sour, acid to think that she had to choose between her family and this new person she had met, with whom, she could have a better, happier future than the one that was reserved for her. Ultimately, it was a question of: where was her happiness in? She had been the one to suggest leaving but did she really want to? No, she didn't. But Hani didn't want to stay and be forced to be with someone she did not like. So, what other choice did she have?

That conversation had all the ingredients necessary to create a catastrophe. Alphas tend to assert dominance over one another when they clash, and its usually not peaceful at all. With both her father and Jungkook being one, some sort of conflict would arise between them inevitably, especially if they were to not submit to the other's desires. Hani was terrified at how violent things could get between those two Alphas. If they reached that point, what would she do? What can she do? Despite being a daughter, she has a mate, now. Hani just can't simply give up on one or the other, it's not fair. But what if her father doesn't let her be with him? What if he keeps on pushing with the arranged pairing? Isn't it also unfair to her? Being forced to be with someone that she does not want, just out of respect for her father? What about what she wants? Hani wondered how far would Jungkook go, how angry he'd get at her father if things didn't go as planned. There was a little bug at the pit of her stomach, constantly reminding of her "the tale". Reminding her of the blood thirsty wolf that had been described, the horrible things that he had done. It was pressuring her into thinking that maybe, that side of him would come out during the conversation. And if it did, would her feelings change? Is she really willing to trust him blindly, despite all the things that have been told?

There were so many questions in her mind, so many fears and worries that her brain didn't have the capacity to go through all of them. It was overwhelming the poor girl curled up under the sheets. Even her own self was being questioned by her annoying and pestering conscience. Hani didn't know what would her reaction be, if either Jungkook or her father hurt the other. She didn't know how far she would to go to protect Jungkook. How much of her heart, her strength, was she willing to risk for his safety. Uneasy and troubled, Hani hoped sleep would knock her out soon.


The night had been rough, her eyes barely closed, her heart never rested. Yet somehow, feeling sorry for the girl, the sun woke her up gently. The warmth of the sunrays brushed on her skin, coating her in a type of hot honey. The birds were chirping outside at the sight of a new day, waiting for Hani to join them as quickly as possible. Ignoring the warmth the sun was so lovingly providing her, ignoring the cheerful chirping of the birds; Hani's mind reminded her of the conversation just a few hours from happening. The girl aggressively shut her eyes, forcing her body to go back to sleep. Hani didn't want to face the day ahead of her, instead, she wanted to sleep the day off. Snoozing through the conflict, only to wake up later to hear the news of how it had gone. Still, sighing, Hani decided to get up. Hani stretched her limbs tiredly, feeling the weight of tiredness and the consequences of a sleepless night. As usual, she reached her arm to grab the phone from the nightstand. Hani had a new text and, upon seeing who it was from, the biggest smiled washed over her face.

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