39: Thunder and Rain

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A/N: Thank you for all the love you have been giving to this story. May this continue on the many, many, many, chapters that will come after this one. I love you <3

The dawn was still breaking by the time Hani and Jungkook started walking again. Surprisingly, The Alpha remembered the exact path the blue light had shown him in his dream – or what he thought was a dream. He followed the same hidden dirt paths, he guided himself by the different plants he had seen and, finally, he was face to face again with the green wall. Standing next to him, Hani was confused. They had reached a dead end. Jungkook smiled at her mischievously like the Cheshire cat. In a swift move, he grabbed her hand and pulled her with him as he crossed the obstacle. Hani was starstruck at the way they had easily passed through the wall of vegetation, as if it was somehow made of clouds, and the way it was actually in itself a passage to another side of the woods. . The branches in front of them were enter whined, circled, wrapped around each other like a spider web. There was barely any light there and the only nature that remained was the branches, not even little sprouts of grass grew on the soil. Slowly, Jungkook detached his hands from hers and, like he had done hours before, he carefully passed through the middle of the branches; sometimes he passed through them, other times under them. When he reached the other side, he looked back and smiled at Hani. A thrill of adventure took over her heart – the same way it did when she was a little girl and spent all her time reading fairy tales. Rapidly, she found herself next to Jungkook, smiling like a little kid.

They shared a look between each other, a look two adventurers give to one another before roaming into a new thrill. The girl was the first to take a step towards the cave. She couldn't contain her excitement; her heart was jumping in her chest. Or perhaps it was the relief of knowing both her and Jungkook hadn't done all that journeying for nothing. The Alpha was behind his mate, watching every single one of her moves. He had been at this place before and, just like her, he had been astonished. However, it seemed to impact him even more this second time. It was the assurance that he hadn't dreamt the cave, it actually existed; it wasn't a product of his imagination, it was real.

With one hand on his mate's waist, Jungkook moved aside the ivy that covered the rocks. The carving of the wolf was still there, letting them know that they were at the right place. Hani's hand softly grazed on his before moving and trailing the carving. Her eyes were wide open, twinkling and shining with curiosity and amazement. She couldn't believe this place was real.

"We're here"

Jungkook whispered, needing to hear the affirmation for himself.

"We should get inside"

Hani's voice was coated with her bewilderment. It rolled off her tongue like silk, honey dripping from every word. The Alpha turned around and quickly broke one of the branches. After ripping a piece of his sweatshirt, he wrapped it around the branch. Hani watched him start a little flame and using it to light up what would become their torch.

"Okay, now we are all set to go"

Hani nodded her head, getting more and more curious just like her mate. Jungkook took a brave step forward, determined to get his questions all answered. It was time to find out who he really was.


Thunder echoed on the skies that night. Rain fell harshly from the sky. To some, it looked like the world was about to end. To others, the world was just beginning. That was the case for a very special someone that night. It all started in a very poor shaped bed, so small, it was surprising how more than one person could fit in it. A woman was crying in pain, holding her growing belly. A man, besides her, cooed gentle motivational words to her. He held her hand with both of his as more and more warm tears spilled from her eyes. The skies cried and screamed with her, feeling her pain. After hours, another cry joined the sky and the woman. It was a small little boy, big and strong, who cried his welcoming into the world. The couple hugged each other as the baby boy laid in his mother's arms. The sky had become serene. The world was at peace again. Only one man in that room seemed to be displeased. He was standing next to the door, his arms crossed over his chest. A weird feeling swirled in his stomach at the view of that baby. Something was telling him that boy would cause trouble.

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