38: Dreams

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Hani and Jungkook had been walking non-stop for hours. The forest, surprisingly, didn't seem to change. It seemed that at each turn Jungkook and Hani found themselves at the exact spot that they had fallen upon. Every place looked like one other. It was starting to make Jungkook and Hani believe that they hadn't moved a single inch, as if time and space were frozen around them. Clearly, it was frustrating but neither of them planned on stopping. The forest was pulling them in, luring them with its mysteries and uniqueness that couldn't be found in any other place in the world. If it wasn't for the tiredness and the slow disappearance of light in the sky, both of them would have continued walking. It was getting dark and, unlike the other woods where there was a lack of vegetation and therefore you could be guided by the sky, this one was extremely dense and naturally devoid of light. If they kept on walking, they would most probably get lost.

With that in mind, both decided to spend the night at the place where they now stood, which was exactly like the one they had initially arrived at. Hani had been smart enough to fill Jungkook's and her bag to the brim with food, however, it wouldn't last for too much long. While she scanned and calculated for how many days, they'd have food for, The Alpha set up some wood to make a fire. Once they were settled in and the fire was burning bright and some food filled their stomachs, Hani and Jungkook laid down on the sleeping bag. They couldn't see the sky, just the branches and the leaves. There was no night sky on those woods.

The Alpha had his eyes closed, the bangs covered his eyes slightly and blood still remained on his face, even though it was dry now. Hani, right beside him, had her eyes opened. She was thinking about the weird dream that she had. The little girl, the view of her mother. As much as she tried to label it as a "dream", she couldn't help but feel how real it had been. Aren't dreams supposed to fade with time? Then, why could she still remember it vividly? Every detail, every word, every emotion. The girl remembered the dream perfectly but she had no recollection of the day her mother passed away. She did not remember seeing her mother ill or her laid down on the bed pale and weak, like her dad described. It was a blur, a big foggy image. Had she forgotten about that day? If yes, then what kind of daughter was she?

"I can hear you overthinking from here"

Jungkook's words made Hani slightly chuckle. With his eyes open, Jungkook stared at his mate who was laying next to him, all curled up against his body.

"So, you read minds now?"

"Well, not yet" Jungkook turned around, with quite some difficulty due to the small size of the sleeping back, and looked at Hani in the eyes. "I am very special but mind reading cannot be found in my list of abilities."

Hani laughed softly against Jungkook's chest and closed her eyes, deciding that sleep was the best remedy for her troubles. She felt a small kiss tickling the tip of her nose making a smile blossom on her pink lips.

"Is this about the dream you had?"

"It's just that..." Hani started by saying, unable to find the right words to explain what she was feeling. "The dream felt too real to be true and the reality I know feels like a dream. It's like... they switched places."

"There are different types of dreams." Jungkook was talking softly against Hani's cheeks, causing goosebumps to color her skin. "There are dreams that come to us as dreams but are memories. There are dreams based of memories. There are dreams that come from nothing, they are pure creation of our imagination. Dreams that reveal our fears, dreams that makes us smile. Dreams in which we manipulate the world we see, so that we can find comfort in it."

"Have you ever dreamt something that felt too real, too real to be dream?"

"Many times." Jungkook sighed. "After the incident at my old pack, I dreamt every night about what had happened... what I had done. I thought they were dreams... After a while, I realized it was memories haunting me, forcing me to relive them, for whatever reason that was. Those nights I barely slept. I'd rather not dream at all."

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