33: Sugarcoating

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A/N: rewritten due to changes in writing style

Hani was in a turmoil as she walked back to the cabin after her meeting with Jimin. After finding out that Jungkook hid from her that the pack had been attacked, she didn't know what to do or think about it. Yes, when she found out, she couldn't help but be disappointed and angry at him. Now, thinking about it further, she couldn't help but get confused at herself. Hani was keeping things from him as well, he would be feeling the way she is feeling, right? She couldn't help but feel guilty and that she was in no position to ask him about it or to even get mad. Still, she couldn't help but wonder why he had hidden this from her, what was the motive behind it? Or to be worried about the pack and want to know what had happened on that attack. It was her pack too, afterall. Even if she had only recently become their Luna, she wanted to protect them, the best that she could.

Maybe what bothered her the most was that Jungkook was breaking promises, she believed were eternal. Maybe that's where the huge weight on her chest derived from. Maybe it was not about the lie but about the fact he sold her pointless words and she had believed him. It made her wonder, if he had broken more promises and she knew nothing about them. It was the feeling of dread, of an imminent presence of fragility, as if she could see with her own eyes, a fend, a crack in their bond.

The girl had been too caught up in her own confusion, that she failed to realize that her feet were already inside the cabin.


Jungkook's excited voice, snapped Hani's attention away from her thoughts. Her heart beat really fast in her chest due to the nerves, she was not ready to face Jungkook, yet. The Alpha almost ran towards his mate, wrapping his arms around her body happily and pressing small kisses all over her face. Had it been the day before, Hani would be giggling and smiling ear to ear at him. However, today, after finding out his secret, all that she could do was give him a small smile.

"What do you think?"

Jungkook whispered in her ear as he back hugged her. He had decorated the living room, more specifically, the big dining table with candles and all sorts of flowers. If Hani was confused before, this whole surprise event had her even more confused. She could tell by the way his eyes twinkled and the way he smiled like a little kid, that he had worked really hard to surprise her. Hani didn't want to ruin the mood.

"What's wrong?" He said, turning her around to face him. "Don't you like it?"

"I love it, I really do"

Hastily, Hani replied, eagerly hoping to shake the Alpha's disappointment away from his body. It seemed that her plan to not ruin the mood had backfired.... gravely. Attentively, Jungkook scanned her with worried eyes.

"Okay, then what's up with you? You look... sad"

Jungkook gazed at her with a sad look on his face, his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. He had no idea what had happened, what could have possibly made his mate look so hurt and sad. Maybe it had something to do with her meeting with Jimin, maybe she missed her parents again. Whatever it was, he wanted to make her feel better and go back to putting that beautiful smile, he loved so much, back on her face.

"Can we sit down?"

Her voice was weak and her words slightly trembled at the end – it was all it took for Jungkook's knees to get wobbly. He quickly nodded his head at her and lead her to the table with his hand resting on her back.

Hani didn't know what she was doing or if this was the right thing to do, at all. She just wanted to know why. Why the lies? All that she wanted was to let go of that huge weight on her chest, so that she could go back to breathing normally.

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