14: Get to know

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A/N: rewritten due to changes in writing style

The girl's body relaxed as soon as the cold water splashed her face. It was exactly what Hani needed after crying her eyes out. To wash away the tears, the fears, the insecurities and all the emotions that had overwhelmed her. She raised her head and her eyes met her reflection. Her eyes were glossy, more transparent than they had been before, cleaned of all doubt and troubles. Smiling, Hani sighed and taking a deep long breath, she closed her eyes, filling her heart – who had once been covered by destructive emotions – with the excitement and the reassurance the group had given her. Hani decided that she had wasted enough time being unproductive and, determinate to make a good impression, she dried her face with the towel and walked out of the bathroom.

Moon and Haeun were running after one another, around the living room, giggling and laughing lively. Lina and Hae were sitting on the couch, unfazed and used to the toddler's commotion. They were discussing different details about their pregnancies and complained about the multiple bothersome symptoms that they were experiencing, especially the swollen feet. The rest of the girls were on the kitchen finishing up the lunch while the boys, sitting on the table, actively talked about multiple pack issues that they had to solve. Hani walked past them and nervously, made her way towards the kitchen, with the intent of making herself productive and helping them out. Suyun ran around the kitchen carrying things back and forth, while Daeun, who was the one ordering her around, was in charge of the food.

"Can I help?"

Hesitantly, Hani's shy voice made itself be known in the room. Daeun and Suyun stopped what they were doing to stare at Hani who, awkwardly and timidly, stood in the middle of the kitchen without knowing what to do. Daeun quickly told Hani to help Suyun set the table and just as eagerly, Hani complied. She approached Suyun who struggled to carry a pile of plates that were on her arms. Smiling kindly, Hani reached out her hands to her, letting her know that she wanted to help.

"It's okay" Hani reassured her, noticing how flustered the older girl was at her. "You can give me some"

Suyun's cheeks flushed red and smiling shyly, she handed out some of the plates to Hani. With everything sorted out, Hani walked behind Suyun and followed her commands and advices as they set the table together. In a flash, everything was prepared and Daeun, alongside Hani and Suyun, started calling everyone to the table.

They took their places at the long table, the mates sitting next to another, side by side. The group lively talked between themselves, all sorts of topics and discussions arising which entangled and intertwined, making it impossible to distinguish, after a while, what exactly they were talking about. Hani, baffled, tried to listen to everything that was being told and she opened her mouth to join in, but she always ended up swallowing her words, choosing to stay quiet instead.

"But, I mean" Chuckling, Jin amusedly silenced the group; his words catching everybody's attention. "If we are talking about funny moments during teenage years, I think Jungkook beats us all"

Next to her, Jungkook rolled his eyes while everyone laughed at the mention of his teenage self. He had a tired smile on his face, for he already knew they were about to embarrass him in front of Hani.

"It was so funny how he got flustered at the slightest little thing"

Taehyung added, laughing hysterically in between his words, as he recalled the different memories in his head. This statement caused Hani to look at Jungkook curiously. In her experience, Jungkook wasn't really the flustered type. She hadn't known him for long, that's true; still, for the short time that she did known him, he rarely got flustered. What they were saying, sounded ridiculous to her ears; to imagine a Jungkook that got flustered at everything. The Jungkook she knew, carried an immense confidence in himself, he was assertive and determinate, proud and dominant, sure of his decisions.

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