42: Under the moonlight (+18)

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The full moon was shining brightly.

Jungkook had spent the rest of the day roaming around the small hidden forest. Hani had joined him too eventually, not liking the idea of being by herself for too long, especially on such an unfamiliar place. They had found a little cabin which probably used to belong to one of the families that lived there many years ago. Hani and Jungkook had cleaned out the house, deciding that it was the best place to stay the night in. They missed the feeling of sleeping on a bed. Luckily for them, some animals lived around the woods and besides them, no one had been there. The Alpha had relaxed once he acknowledged that they were both in safe territory. He had gone out to hunt some animals while Hani unpacked their bags and sorted things out inside the cabin. They had dinner, enjoying the sounds of nature that surrounded them and the calm atmosphere after so many stressful days. Then, they separated ways. Jungkook went to grab some wood since the nights were getting colder. Meanwhile, Hani, seizing the opportunity, decided to take a bath in the lake.

A soft cold breeze hit her exposed skin that was being lit up by the moonlight. On any other day, the cold would bother her. However, it had been so long ever since she had showered, she felt disgusting. All that she was focusing on was how relaxing and good, it would be once she was clean and refreshed. Her toes softly touched the water, testing out the temperature. Then, after taking a deep breath, Hani guided her body inside the lake. The soil under her feet was covered with rocks, which made her steps slow since she was afraid of slipping and falling. When the water reached her collarbones, she stopped. The girl looked around her, still not believing a place as magical as that existed. Her mind drifted to her mother, which she was sure would love to see a place like this.

A feeling of guilt swallowed her heart whole. Not having any recollections of her mother's death bothered her. All those dreams, memories she was having confused her even more about it. Closing her eyes, she tried to take her mind to that day - the day her mother died. Once again, the only thing that she saw was her hand holding her mother's. Blood was on both of their hands. Her eyes went up, to look at her face. She could see the necklace on her mother's neck, that little sunflower necklace she loved so much. Blood was on it too. More blood was on the grass. She couldn't see her mother's face – she couldn't remember her features. Hani opened her eyes, more guilt and sadness swirled inside of her. She was sure of one thing though. Her mother hadn't died in bed of sickness. Something had gotten to her, something that Hani had seen. Or at least she had been there for her mother's final breaths. Which meant her dad lied. Why would her dad lie about it? Perhaps, he didn't know the truth as well. After all, he wasn't there in the pack that day. If all that was right, then what happened to her mom? And who was trying to cover it up?

Her heart jumped in her chest, once she heard the water in the lake moving. She looked around, panicking. Suddenly, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her, a naked chest pressing against her back. The scent of fire and smoke relaxed her body and she found herself smiling softly.

"May I know what is on your mind that is bothering you so much?"

The Alpha whispered to her ear, his breath fanning over her mark that tingled at the sensation.

"My mom. I'm a bit confused"

"Can I help?"

Hani turned around to look at him. His hair was wet, his bangs falling softly over his eyes. Tenderly, she pushed his hair back wanting to lock her gaze with his.

"I'm not sure. I just have a lot of questions." Hani said as she softly cleaned a stain of blood from his cheek. "I don't even know if they have answers. Or if I want them."

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