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Jihoon POV

When the elevator doors closed, i just smiled at him. He is just so cute. But of course, i would never said that directly to him. I turned around and walked to my studio. I needed to finish my birthday present for Soonyoung. I thought long about it and i think he will be very happy, when he sees what i got for him. I entered my studio and turned my computer on. I clicked at the data and thought about what i needed to change.

After about two hours someone knocked at my studio door. "Come in." I saw Jeonghan enter my studio. "Jihoon, it's late. When are you going home ?" he asked. I looked at my watch and he was right. I worked already two hours. " I just need to finish this, then i'm coming." i answerd. "You arent ready yet?"
"No, it needs to be perfect" i looked at him. "And you know why." i smiled sadly. Jeonghan knew about my feelings for Soonyoung and he was the only one. He actually caught me, when i wrote a song about him, so i couldn't deny it. He smiled back and said:"Maybe you should tell him how you feel, it's worth a shot." I shaked my head. "No, i won't. I don't think it's the right time. Maybe..someday." Jeonghan looked at me and said:" Okay. It's your choice. But don't overwork yourself. It's already perfect and he will love you for making his dream come true Jihoon. I am going now." He closed the door and i was alone with my thoughts. Yeah, maybe i should tell him how i feel. But if he don't accept my feelings our bond would be destroyed and i can't risked that. He means too much to me.

I looked over the Song again and i was very satisfied with it. I saved my changes and loaded everything on my USB-Stick. Maybe i should buy him his favourite chocolate or invite him for dinner for his birthday. I am already nervous of his reaction. I hope Jeonghan is right and Sonnyoung loves my present. I smiled to myself when i thought about how happy he will be. I heard my cell phone ringing. I looked at it and saw i got an message from Soonyoung. I read it:

Soonyoungie <3
Jihoon~~ When are you coming home ? It's already late and the food is getting cold.. :(

I smiled as i read it. He is just so cute and i liked, that he thought of me. I started tipping him back:

Hey...I am already turning the Computer off. I will be there in 20. Wait for me. :)

I clicked on send and grapped my Jacket. I turned the lights off and walked back to the dorm. I couldn't wait to see Sonnyoung.

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