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Jihoon POV

I was mad, when we waited for Soonyoung. What was he thinking? Why did he talked to Jeonghan like that ? We got up so early to make his Birthday special and he disappeard without saying anything. "Jihoon, don't frown like that. I'm sure he has a pausible explanation why he is acting the way he is." said Jeonghan with a smile on his face. " Yeah, i'm sure of it. But i hope for his sake that his explanation is good." i said to him.  We waited 10 more minutes before we heard the door openend. Sonnyoung walked in the living room with tear stains on his face. Suddenly all my madness disappeard when i saw his face and it was replaced with worry. I stood up and walked to him. Everyone was watching me with a suprised look. But i didn't mattered to me, because Soonyoung cried. " Soonyoungie,what's wrong and why did you cry ?" i asked him with a loving voice. I didn't knew what i was doing but i took his hand in my and looked at him with worried eyes. I thought all of our members were shocked by my action. Except Jeonghan of course. I heard him whisper behind me, that they should leave us alone and  everyone left the living room. I squeezed Soonyoung's hands to courage him to answer me. He closes his eyes and said: " Jihonnie, it's so stupid but i thought you forgot my birthday and i was so sad and angry. I should've knew you wouldn't forget it. I'm so sorry." A tear dropped from his eye and without thinking, i wiped it away with my thumb. Soonyoung opended his eyes and looked at me with a shocked expression. I looked at him and felt all the butterflies in my stomach. He looked just so beautiful with this expression. " Soonyoung, all the members woke up early in the morning to help me with organizing the birthday table. We would never, I would never, forget your brithday, okay ? So just be happy and excited for it." I smiled at him and saw that he nodded his head. Suddenly i thought about how close i was standing near him and took a step back. "I will get the members and then we will celebrate." i said and turned around. But before i could go any step further, i felt that a hand took mine. I looked back and was surprised that Soonyoung took a step towards me. I felt how his arms wrapped around me. My heart was about to explode. " Thank you Jihoon." I hugged him back. I was so happy at this moment that i didn't wanted to let go. But i knew the others were waiting. I let him go, stepped back and smiled at him. "Let's go Soonyoungie. The orthers are waiting for you." He smiled back. I took his hand and lead him to his Birthday room.

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