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Jihoon POV

We worked the whole day and decided to take a break. "I will go and buy us some Ramyun. Do you also want something else Jihoonie?" Soonyoung asked me. I just shook my head. "No, but i will walk with you. I don't want you to walk alone in the dark. It's really late." i just said and took my Jacket. "Thanks Jihoon. For caring." Soonyoung smiled at me and my cheeks grow hot. I just walked straight to the door and avoided his eyes. He just smiled more and said "Ohh Jihoonie is blushing again. Don't hide it." I heard him laughing. "Just come already, I'm hungry." i said while walking out.

We went to a near Ramyun place and bought two cups of it. While we were eating, we didn't talked. Soonyoung called out for me first. "Jihoon, can is ask you something?" I looked at him. "Yeah of course." i responded. "It's kind of embarassing but how do you know that someone likes you? Not the way you like a friend but the way you wanna date someone." he asked me with a shy smile. I blushed. Why did he asked me? Do he likes someone??? "I don't know. Maybe how he makes you feel or how many times you think of him. Why do you ask?" I was so nervous, when i waited for his answer. "I think i like someone but since this is my first time, i am so confused about my feelings." Something broke in me when he told me that. I knew it, i don't have a chance. But why did he tried to kiss me? "So what should i do? Should i tell him or not ?" he asked me. It took me a while to answer. I was so sad at that moment. "Maybe you should ask him or her out on a date and see how he or she reacts. Then you can think about telling him or her.  When i finished my sentence, i stood up. "Come one, we should walk back and finish what we started. It's late already." i said to him. He was confused for a second but then nodded his head. "Yeah you are right. I will pay quickly."

We worked more than two hours when Soonyoung said "We should finish for today. It's past midnight and i'm getting tired." I agreed and saved the data we worked on. "Do you wanna walk or should i call a cab?" i asked him. He shrugged with his shoulder and said " A cab would be nice." I nodded my head and called one.
Ten minutes later, we drove back to our dorm. I looked at Soonyoung and saw that he was sleeping. He looked so handsome. I was getting sad again, when i remembered what he told me. I was getting my hopes up but it all crashed down. I tried not to cry but i felt a tear at my cheek. Get it together Jihoon. You knew it already. I whiped it away. I saw that the car slowed down and the driver turned to me. "We are at you destination." I quickly gave him the money and turned to Soonyoung to wake him up. He rubbed his eyes and was confused for a moment. "We are at the dorm. Come on." i said and opend the car door. We walked up the stairs and i could feel i was also getting tired. I opend the door of our dorm. "Okay Soonyoung, good night." i said and made my way to my room. "Jihoon, wait." i heard Soonyoung say. When i looked back, i saw that he was getting nervous. Whats wrong with him? He walked to me and looked in my eyes. "You said, i should ask my crush out and i think i will do it." I looked sad again. Why must he tell me this? It's breaking my heart again. "So Jihoon, would you make me happy and go out with me ?"

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