Happy Ending

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Jihoon POV

He was finally mine. I thought this day would never come, but now i can call him my boyfriend. We were on our way home and talked about how we should tell the others especially our Manager and our Company. "Jeonghan said we should talk with Seungcheol Hyung first and i think that's a good idea. Maybe he can help us." i said to Soonyoung. He agreed with a nod. "Okay, when we are back in our dorm, we will talk to him." he said. I could tell he wanted to say something more but he didn't. I saw in his face that something was bothering him. "Hey, if there is something on your mind, you can tell me. Remember, i am your boyfriend now." i said with a big smile on my face. "I like that, that you call me boyfriend." he answered back. I squeezed his hand to tell him, that he can talk to me. "You know, what if they don't agree with us dating ? What should we do then? I don't want to be apart from you. I'm scared Jihoonie." When i heard him say that i was happy but also sad. "We will find a solution. Think positiv." i tried to encourage him.

10 minutes later, we arrived at our dorm. Jeonghan ran and hugged us both. "Jihoon, don't you never run away like that. We're family. You don't need to be embarrassed." he said and let us both go. I just nodded and searched for Seungcheol. "He is in his room." Jeonghan said and walked away. "How did he know that we are looking for him?" asked Soonyoung. "Maybe he can read minds? I don't know. Come on, let's go to hyung." i said and grabbed his hand. We passed some of our members and they saw, that i holded his hand but it doesn't bother me now. They will know about it anyway. I saw that hyung's door was open, so i just knocked at the door frame. He looked up and smiled when he saw us. "Hey to two, what can i do for you ?" he asked. We walked in and i closed the door. "I don't know how to say this but Soonyoung and i are dating." At first he didn't said anything but soon he smiled. "Oh that's great. I wish you all the best." he said. "Thank you, hyung. But we need your help. We don't know how to tell our Manager, maybe you can come with us ?" Soonyoung asked kindly. "Yeah of course. Actually, i'm meeting him in about an hour. You can come with me and then we can dicuss this." he offered.  I nodded my head in agreement. "Yeah that would be great."

We waited half an hour, before we made our way to Pledis. The drive was nerve-wrecking and all i could think about was, if they are okay with us or not. I could feel that Soonyoung squeezed my hand. "Hey, it's gonna be alright. We will think of something, if they are against it. I'm not letting you go so easily." he said with a smile. "Yeah Soonyoung is right. You have all of the members on your side." Seungcheol said to me. I know, i should think positiv about, but i think i will be when they have nothing against it. We arrived at Pledis and made our way to the Manager. " Just relax. I will talk first. " Seungcheol said and knocked at the door. We heard a Come in and he opened the door. Our Manager was surprised, that Seongchoul wasn't alone. "Hey, what are you doing here ? I thought just Seungcheol comes. " our Manager said to us. "Actually , they came with me to talk to you about something." he nodded his head. "Are you okay? You're looking tense." he asked with concern in his voice. I looked at Soonyoung to asked, if he wanted to start but i could see that he was uncomfortable so i just took the part. "Soonyoung and i need to tell you something, but we are afraid that you won't approve." i said to him. "Ahh, if you want to tell me that you're dating, then don't. I'm just a little shocked, that it took you so long." he said with a smile on his face. I stood there frozen, just like Soonyoung and Seungcheol. Did he just said, what i think he just said? "I don't understand what you mean." stuttered Soonyoung. Our Manager just laughed. "It's not important. But you don't need to be scared. You can be together, we are fine with it. But try to cut it down in the puplic okay?" He looked at us with an eyebrow pulled up. Soonyoung and i just nodded our heads. "Great. Now if you excuse us, Seungcheol and i need to discuss something." he said.  We knew it was our queue to leave, so we bid goodbye and made our way back to our dorm. When we waited for our car, i turned to Soonyoung. "So Boyfriend, we did it. Now we just need to tell our members." i said to him. He just smiled at me. "Okay Boyfriend, let's do this." When he said that, he took my hand and intertwined our fingers. This was the best feeling. And his kisses.

We arrived in our dorm and bought every member, except Seungcheol, in the living room. When everyone was seated, Jeonghan turned to us. "What's wrong ? Is everything okay ? And where is Seungceol?" he asked us. "Jeonghan, let them speak." said Joshua and laughed. Soonyoung looked at me and i nodded my head. I faced our members. "Soonyoung and i wanted to tell you, that we are officially together. We talked to our Manager and they're fine with it." i told them. Everyone jumped up and hugged us. "Oh that's wonderfull." Joshua said with a big smile on his face and everyone else agreed. "So, who asked who???" Seungkwan wanted to know. "I asked him" Soonyoung said. "Hey, i confessed first." i added. Everyone laughed. It was great to see our family supports us. I felt so happy in this moment. I hope, i can be with Soonyoung for as long as possible. I turned my head, grabbed his face and kissed him with all i have. I could tell, he was surprised but soon returned the kiss. This was perfect.


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