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Jihoon POV

It was the next day and also our last free day. After today, we will begin our work again. I actually couldn't sleep all night. All i could think of was Soonyoung and our perfect first kiss. If i tried to close my eyes , i just saw Soonyoung's beautiful smile. I was so tired, when i went to the kitchen. I didn't even noticed my members, who were sitting at the breakfast table. But what i noticed, where somebody who just stood in my way. I looked up and saw Jeonghan. "Good Morning Jihoon. Follow me please." he said to me and started his way upstairs to his room. I was confused, but followed him. We reached his room and walked inside. When he closed the door, he leaned against it and looked at me. "Soooo, why don't you tell me how your date went ? I expected you yesterday to text me but not a single word." he said to me. I could feel that my cheeks started to grow hot. I wasn't a person to ramble about things, but i was just so happy to finally tell someone about it. "Hyung you have no idea. It was fantastic. First, we went to my favourite restaurant. We had a great meal and shared an dessert. Then we walked a bit. Soonyoung started to act a bit weird and i asked him what was wrong. He was just so cute and asked if he could hold my hand. I just said that he didn't needed to asked and grabbed his hand. So we walked hand in hand and it was the greatest feeling i was feeling in my life. He didn't wanted me to know where we are going next, but soon i saw the amusement park. We ate ice cream and walked around. Our last stop was the Ferris Wheel and when were at the top he finally kissed me. It was perfect hyung." I finally took a breath and started to get shy. I looked at Jeonghan and saw his face. He grinned from ear to ear. "I'm so happy for you. But what comes next? Did you guys talked about it ?" he asked. I couldn't really follow his words so i asked him. "What do you mean?" i stared at him. He laughed a bit. "I mean, did you express your feelings towards him and are you together now? Will you go on another date?" he asked. I was dumbfounded. I didn't said that i love him neither we talked about if we are together now. I shooked my head. "Not excactly. He hinted a second date but we didn't really talked about it." He nooded his head in agreement. "You know i am happy for you right?" he asked me. " Yeah, i know." i said to him. "Maybe you should think about it and talk with Seongcheol. If you are realling getting together, we need to tell the agency and talk about how to deal with this. I know you would never hide something but you know how fast words spread and it would be better, if they are aware of your relationship." I didn't knew what to say. I didn't even think about this stuff but he was totally right. "You're right. But let me talk with Soonyoung first. I don't know where we stand after this date." He just smiled. "Okay, go and look for your soon to be boyfriend." he winked at me and left his room. I just could stare at his back. I need to find Soonyoung. I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen to see, if he was there. But if i were being honest, i knew already that he was there and eating his breakfast. When i was getting nearer the kitchen, i was getting nervous. How should i react if i see him. Should i hug him or just greet him like every other time? How should i start this conversation?  When i thought about all this , i was getting more nervous. I entered the kitchen and immediately spotted him. He was eating his cereal and talked with the Verkwan couple. Vernon saw me first and greeted me. "Good Morning hyung, did you sleep well?" he asked me. Just as Vernon started to talk, Soonyoung's eyes went to my direction. "Yeah i did, thank you." i answered him. I was unsure what to do next and Soonyoung could seeit. He stood up and went to my direction. He stopped before me and went down to kiss my cheek. I was frozen. Did he really just kissed my cheek before Verkwan's eyes? Vernon was shocked also. His mouth hung open and his eyes were wide open. Seungkwan was Seungkwan. He let out a loud shriek and this caused attention to the others. Soonyoung was relaxed and laid his arm around my shoulder. One by one, the others came to the kitchen to see what happend. "What happend Kwannie?" Joshua asked him. At first Seungkwan didn't said anything, but then he pointed at us. "Soonyoung just kissed Jihoon on his cheek." he stuttered out. Everyone turned the heads towards us and watched us with a surprised look, except Minghao and Jeonghan. I couldn't say anything. Soonyoung broke the silence. "It's not a big deal. We had a date yesterday and i was just greeting him. Like every couple would do after a date." I couldn't believe he said that out loud. I could feel my ears turned red. Everyone looked at us. I was so embarrassed. That's not how i wanted it to be out. I just wanted to run away and that's what i did. "Excuse me." i said and ran out. All i could hear was Jeonghan saying to Soonyoung: "Soonyoung, you are stupid. Why did you say such things without discussing it with Jihoon first." I heard how Soonyoung cursed and shouted after me, but i was already out of the dorm and on my way to the studio.

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