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Soonyoung POV

I was planing our date for about two days now. I thought long about it and today i can finally tell Jihoon . I was nervous, while i walked to his room. I knocked and waited but i got no answer. I said his name and opened the door, but when i looked inside, the room was empty. Hmm, maybe he is his studio. I took my phone and messaged him.

Jihoonie, where are you ??? :(

I waited about 20 minutes before i heard my phone.

I am at the studio. Why?

I wanted to tell something. I'm on my way. <3

I walked to the door and made my way to the studio.

I entered Pledis and walked straight to the elevator. I couldn't wait to see Jihoon again. I was getting nervous. Maybe he changed his mind? The elevator came to a stop and the door opened. I went to the studio door and knocked. I heard a "Come in". When i entered his studio, i saw him sitting on his couch and playing with his phone. "And i thought you were working but you are just lazy" i said, while i laughed a bit. He looked at me. "Hey, i worked 3 hours already. Let me take a break. Also you wanted to talk with me, so what's up?" I looked at the ground and played with my hoodie. I tried to find the right words, but i couldn't. I felt two hands wrapped about mine and i stopped playing with my hoddie. I looked at Jihoon. "What's wrong ? You are scarying me." he said with a frown on his face. I squezzed his hands. "It's just that i wanted to tell you something about the date." He nodded. "Ah okay, you don't want to go anymore right ?" he asked with a sad look. "No,that's not what i meant. I want go with you. I just wanted to tell you that the date is on Saturday and i will wait at the frontdoor at 12. Is that okay?" He smiled again. "Yes!! I can't wait."

Short Chapter

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