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Jihoon POV

I dreamt about Soonyoung. It felt so real, that i was disapointed when i woke up and saw that it was just a dream. Slowly i got up and went to the kitchen to get my coup of coffee. I already saw Soonyoung sitting at the table. I blushed so much, that i just mumbled a Good Morning and went in the kitchen. "Good Morning Jihoonie. See, i can wake up early." he said while following me to the kitchen. I just hummed in agreement, when i stood at the cupboard. I wanted to have my favourite cup but it was at the top of the cupboard. I tried to reach it but failed. Suddenly i felt someone behind me . Soonyoung touched my back with his chest. I felt the butterflys in my stomach. "I will help you." he said while he got my cup. I turned around and we were so close to each other, that i could felt his breath on my face. He smiled at me and i could feel how my knees became weak. "Here, your cup Jihoon." I couldn't say anything. I was just lost in his eyes. I could feel that he was staring at me like i was staring at him. I rembered my dream from last night and i wanted to kiss him so bad. Should i just do it? No Jihoon. You will make everything akward. My eyes switched to his lips and he saw this. Suddenly he leant in and i widened my eyes. Will he kiss me? But before he could touch my lips, i heard voices that were coming nearer. Soonyoung also heard it and backed away. I saw him blushing and i stared at him. He handed me my cup and said: " I will go showering." and walked quickly away. I couldn't believe that Soonyoung was about to kiss me. I smiled to myself about the thought. I didn't noticed that Mingyu and Wonwoo walked in to the kitchen. "Hyung, why are you smiling so much?" Mingyu asked. My cheeks grow hot. " Ah, Soonyoung said something funny and i was smiling about that." i said. "What are you doing today? Wanna go out and eat Breakfast with us?" Wonwoo looked at me with a questioning look. "Sorry but i need to get ready. I promised Soonyoung that we would start writing his song and i still need to shower." i answered him and walked out the door. "Okay have fun hyung." i heard Mingyu shouting while i was on my way to my room. When i was in my shower, i was asking me what i should do with Soonyoung. Maybe i should try someting, while we are in the studio. I mean, he need to feel something for me because he almost kissed me. I thought about whatJeonghan said and grabbed my phone. I textet him.


Hey Jeonghan. Do you know what you said to me about Soonyoung?


Of course, why are you asking? Did something happend?????

Omo~ answer already...


Chill, hyung. Yeah something happend. We kinda had a moment in the kitchen but Mingyu and Wonwoo were walking in and Soonyoung rushed out. But i think , i will give it a shot and find out if Soonyoung likes me or not.


Cuteeeeee~ Okay, if you need help then ask me.

While i stared at my phone someone knocked on my door. It opened and Soonyoung's head popped in. " I'm ready, if you are. I can't wait to start the Song." he said. I nodded my head."Yeah, let's got." i smiled at him. I could see he was blushing. Okay Jihoon. First day to try figuring out, if Soonyoung likes you or not.

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