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Jihoon POV

It was finally the day of our date. I was so nervous. I couldn't sleep and woke up to early. I couldn't decide what to do, so i just stood up and went to my bathroom. I went to the shower and brushed my teeth. I decided, that i should wash my face clearly. When i was ready, i went to my closet and looked what i could wear. I was standing about 30 minutes infront of it but i just couldn't decided what to wear. I wanted to look great for him. So i needed advice. I walked out of my room and went to Minghao's Room. I hope he is awake. Just as i was about to knock at his door, it opened. Minghao was clearly shocked to see me standing there. "Oh, Hyung. What are you doing here ?" he asked me. I tried to find the right words. If i tell him my problem, i should tell him why. "Can you come with me for a second? I need your advice. I will tell you, when we are in my room." He nooded his head and closed his door. Together, we walked back to my room. I could feel his eyes on me. We entered my room. "So, how can i help you ?" he asked with his big eyes. "I will tell you, if you promise to keep your mouth shut. So i kinda will go on a date with Soonyoung and i can't decide what to wear, so i need your help, please." I waited for questions but he just agreed and walked to my closet. "Do you know, where you are going ?" I shooked my head. "No , he just said, i should wear something comfortable."

After an hour, we finally found the perfect outfit. "Thank you Minghao for helping me but why didn't you were shocked about me going on a date with Soonyoung." i asked him with curiosity. "Ah, well don't be mad but i could tell that you like him and when i saw how close you two got in the last couple of days, i was just waiting that something would happen." he grinned at me. I was surprised. Was i that obvious?  "But you should go already, it's time for your date." I looked at my watch and he was right. "Thanks again Minghao. I owe you something." i said, while i opened my door. He just laughed. "Just tell me how it went and what Soonyoung said about your choice of clothes." I nooded and went to the front door. I saw Soonyoung standing there already and when he saw me he smiled so bright. He looked just so handsome. " Jihoonie, you are here. I can't wait to go on this date with you." he said and i could see that he blushed. "Me too. Sould we go ?" i asked him. "Yeah let's go. I can't wait to show you what i planned. By the way, you look really good." he said while we walked outside. I just mumbled a Thank you and took an inner note to thank Minghao again.

"Jihoon, does someone knows about us going out ?" Soonyoung asked shyly. I nooded my head. "Minghao and Jeonghan. But i don't know if someone else knows about it." We walked a while and i got curious. "So Soonyoung. Where do you take me ?" i turned my head in his direction and waited for an answer. "First, we are gonna eat something. And then you need to wait because it's a surprise." he answered with a smile on his face. I stopped and grabbed Soonyoung's hand. "Is something wrong?" he asked with worry written on his face. "No, i just wanted to tell you something. I want you to know, that i am very happy right know and you are the reason. Thank you for taking me to this date. It means a lot." i smiled at him.

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