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Soonyoung POV

Oh no, what did i just do? Did i just kissed him on his cheek???? I could feel my face grew hot. I just walked fast in my room, so that nobody would see me but i didn't had enough luck. I walked straight into Jeonghan. "Hey, is everything okay? Why are you walking so fast?" he asked me. I blushed and stuttered a few words."E-everything is fine." i said and laughed akwardly. I tried to move past him but he stoped me. "Soonyoung, i know something is up. Tell your hyung,please." He looked at me with puppy eyes and i couldn't resist. "Okay but please don't tell anyone." he just nodded his head. "Maybe i just kissed Jihoon on his cheek. And maybe i liked it but also maybe i'm freaking out right now." I closed my eyes and waited for reaction but it never came. Slowly, i opened them again and just saw smile brightly."Ohhh, that's so cute. But Soonyoung do you like him like that?" he asked.  I blushed again by his question. "Maybe but i dont know. I just feel this tingly feeling inside me when he is near me. And i miss his warmth, when he is gone." He widened his eyes. "Soonyoungie is love~" he sang and walked away. "Hyung, be quiet." i whined and looked if someone was near us.

When i was in my Bedroom, i jumped on my bed. I tried to figure out what this feeling means. How can i be sure that i like Jihoon? It was frustrating, that i didn't had an answer instantly. Maybe i should be aware of my feelings around him. But what should i do, when i like him ? Should i tell him then? And what happens when he don't like me back? I let growl out. "Whoah Hyung, what's wrong?" i heard someone say. I turned around and saw Seokmin standing at the door. " Oh, nothing. I..I was working on a new choreo and couldn't think of something good." i stuttered. "Do you need help? I have free time now." he said with a smile. "Ah, no. Actually, i'm tired already. It's was a very long day and i wanna start working on the song tomorrow, so i promised Jihoon, that i will stand up early." he nooded his head." Okay, then i wish you a good night hyung." He walked out and closed the door. It hit me, when i thought about tomorrow, that i will be working with Jihoon. I became nervous at the thought of him and me being alone in the studio. I hope i can sleep well. I stood up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After that, i went to my bed and changed from clothes into a pyjama. When lied in my bed, all i could think of was, how it will be tomorrow. I hope i don't do something stupid like kiss him on his cheek again. When i fell finally asleep, i dreamt about him. We went on a date at an amusement park. We talked and laughed and while we did, we were holding hands. At the End of the date, we went to the Ferris Wheel. We looked outside and he said with an serious voice "Soonyoung, i need to tell you something. I am in love with you." I was surprised but also happy. I leaned in to kiss him but when i was about to touch his lips, i woke up by the sound of my alarm. Oh shit, this dream was so real but it also confirmed what i was thinking. I like Jihoon.

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