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Soonyoung POV

I was so overwhelmed with happiness, that i just hugged him. He was surprised at first but then he took his arms around me as well. "Thank you Jihoon, thank you so much. This is amazing. I don't know what to say. You make a dream come true." i mumbled in his shoulder. I felt that he relaxed a bit. Why was he so tense before. "I would do it again and again, if i can make you this happy." My eyes became teary as he said that to me. I was so grateful. I think i can never return what he gave me. I pulled back and he saw my tears. " Hey, don't cry again. I hate it to see you cry." he said while he placed his hands on my cheeks and wiped the tears away. In this moment, i could only stare at him. He looked at me with worried eyes. I could felt the tingling feeling inside me again. What are you doing to me Jihoon? He stopped strocking my cheeks as he was coming to his senses. He blushed and tried to look away. I stopped him. "Don't hide it. It's cute when you look at me blushing." i spilled my thoughts. He wided his eyes. "W-what?" he stuttered. I smiled. "I would love to write the lyrics with you. I know that it will turn out great when we work on it together." He blinked a few times like he way confussed what i was talking about. "Ah, yes of course. But i think we should start tomorrow and celebrate your birthday with the others." he replied with a shy smile. I grinned like a idiot. " You are so thoughtful Jihoon. You already made my brithday perfect and still you try to make it better." He smiled back." You derserve this all and so much more." he said while caressing my cheek one more time before pulling back. "Okay ,let's go back and you can spile the news about your solo song." I was taken aback by his comment  that i didn't realised that he stood up. I missed his touch already and this tingling feeling inside me left, when he moved away. Shit. What is this feeling? I can't be falling in love with him,right? He was already by the door when he called out for me. "Are you coming or what?" he laughed at me. I stood up and followed him."I'm coming." i just said. I was still confused about the feelings he triggered inside me.

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