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Soonyoung POV

When i woke up the next day, i felt so happy. I didn't know why but i didn't questioned it. I opened my messenger and texted Jihoon.

Good Morning Jihoonie. Do you have free time ? Can we work on the song again ?

I was so excited about my song, that i thought maybe i was getting on his nerves. I stood up and walked to the bathroom and showered. After the shower , i checked my Phone and saw Jihoons answer.

I told you already don't call me that.
Also i am already at the studio so come by when you can

Okay, i will grab a coffee and then i am coming. See you later, Jihoonie <3

I love to tease him. He looks so cute when he gets mad. I couldn't wait to see him again. I tried to kiss him two times already. Maybe he will make a move today. I felt my cheeks grow hot by the thought of him kissing me. I walked out und went to the kitchen. On my way , i passed by Jeonghan. He sat at the table and ate his cereals. "Good Morning hyung. Do you want a cup of coffee?" i asked him while i backed hugged him. He nodded his head. "Yes, please. And then you can tell me why you are in such a good mood."I just smiled and walked in the kitchen to make us coffee. I sat next to him and handed him his coffee."Thank you. So...did something happend between Jihoon and you?" he smiled at me. I shooked my head. "Hyung...i think i like him. I tried to kiss him again. But my phone ringed when i tried." i said while i lowed my voice. I could see his happiness."I'm so happy for you. You're so cute together and i can see how you look at each other. Maybe if something comes up again, you should just ignore it." i nodded in agreement. " I just wished Jihoon would also take a step forward. I know he is not so open with his feelings but i want that he shows me that he likes me too." "Soonyoungie. Maybe he is bad when it comes to talk about his feelings but he shows you everyday. You should just look closer at his actions." Jeonghan gave me a approving look. "But you should go now and don't let Jihoon wait any longer." he said. I gave him a confusing look." How do you know hyung?" i asked. "Jihoon said, if you wake up i should tell you that you should come to the studio. He is waiting there for you." he gave me a last smile and went out of the room. I couldn't hide mine.

I knocked before i entered his studio. I walked straight to Jihoon and wraped my arms around him from behind. I could feel how his shouldes became tense. He looked back at me to and saw that it was me. "Soonyoung, don't scare me like that. Or i will punch you next time." he grinned at me. He is so cute, when he thinks he looks angry. I just nodded his head. "How long are you here?" i asked him. He looks at the clock and said "Maybe two hours. I couldn't sleep so i thought i could work on the song again. Here, read it. I wrote some lyrics maybe you like them." I leaned over Jihoon and placed my head on his head. While i did, i read what he wrote. I smiled, it was really great. "That's really good Jihoonie. I like it." "Okay then get yourself a chair and let's continue."

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